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Page 2 of 9 Saccà et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:15 I
Figure 1. Lysine specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) protein domains and structure. A: In orange the SWIRM domain, in green the AOD
domains and in yellow the Tower Domain; B: LSD1 selective substrate specificities: LSD1 represses promoter and enhancer activities
through the demethylation of histones lysines, H3K4 or in cooperation with the androgen receptor (AR), activates transcription through
Histones H3K9 demethylation
The major causes of death in breast cancer patients are the result of metastasis in distant organs . Metastasis
is a complex biological process, which occurs through a series of steps: (1) rising of a locally invasive and
migratory behavior, (2) arriving to the blood vessel and into the circulation via the blood flow, (3) halting
in the distant organ, (4) surviving the initial stress, and (5) reinitiating outgrowth in distant stroma .
Metastasis involves a multitude of molecular signals . Single cells leaving the primary tumor undergo
epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), consisting in the loss of epithelial polarity and the achievement
of a mesenchymal morphology . The opposite process, the mesenchymal to epithelial transition, takes place
when metastatic cells switch back to an epithelial state in order to colonize secondary sites .
The mechanism of EMT is currently a major focus in metastasis research. The knowledge of its mechanisms
is still fragmentary and more in-depth studies are needed in order to improve therapeutic approaches and
influence, in the long-term, control of breast cancer outcome .
According to the reversible nature of EMT-associated processes, epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA
methylation and histone modifications, exert a great influence on the EMT program [8-11] . Particularly, wide
ranges of studies demonstrate that the lysine specific demethylase 1 LSD1, also known as KDM1A, plays a
pivotal role in the EMT regulation [12-15] .
High levels of LSD1 expression in various tumors, including breast cancer, are correlated with poor
prognosis [16-19] ; several works reported that the ablation of LSD1 in breast cancer cells inhibits the invasion
capabilities and suppresses their metastatic potential [20-22] .
LSD1 is classified as an amine oxidase that uses FAD as the co-factor for its enzymatic action ; LSD1
is composed by three major domains: an N-terminal SWIRM (small alpha-helical domain), for protein
stability; a central protruding Tower domain and a C-terminal amine oxidase like domain [Figure 1A];
LSD1 is able to demethylate mono and di-methylated lysine 4 and 9 of the histone H3 (H3K4, H3K9) [23-27] .
Exerting its activity LSD1 can function as co-repressor, removing H3K4 methylation on gene promoters
and enhancers, or co-activator, by removing H3K9 methylation, indicating that substrate specificity and the
binding to different interactors define its biological outcome [Figure 1B] . Furthermore, LSD1 regulates
methylation dynamics of non-histone proteins [16,28-33] .