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Page 6 of 12                            Kirakli et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:10  I

               Table 1. Summary of randomised trials comparing stereotactic radiosurgery to stereotactic radiosurgery plus whole brain
                                 Lung                     Local   relaps   Median OS   Neurologic   Decline in NCF/QOL
                          Patient  cancer  # of brain   relaps (%)        (month)  death (%)
                Study                          Type of test       (%)
                          number patients metastases
                                  (%)                   SRS  SRS +  SRS  SRS  SRS  SRS +   SRS  SRS +   SRS  SRS + WBRT
                                                          WBRT   + WBRT   WBRT      WBRT
                JRSOG-99,   132    66    1-4   MMSE      27      11  64       41  8            7.5  19        23  Deterioration is earlier
                Aoyama et al. [33]                                                         in
                2006                                                                       SRS only gorup
                                                                                           at 7.6 month   at 16.5
                MD Anderson,  58   67    1-3   HVLT-R    33       0  55       27  15.2       5.7  SRS + WBRT  24%       52%
                Chang et al. [34]                                                 risk for death
                2009                                                              HR: 2.1, 95%
                                                                                  CI 0.8-6.0
                EORTC22952,   359  53    1-3   EORTC QLQ   31       19  48       33  10.7       10.9  44         28  Global health at  9
                Kocher et al. [35]             C-30                                        month.
                2011                           QLQ BN-20                                   63       52
                                                                                           Physical function at 8
                                                                                           52      42
                                                                                           Role fxn at 8 weeks
                                                                                           64       58
                                                                                           Cognitive function at
                                                                                           8 weeks
                                                                                           81       74
                                                                                           Cognitive function at
                                                                                           12 months
                                                                                           80     69
                Alliance    213    68    1-3   FACT-Brain  27       10  30       8  10.4       7.4  NA  NCF at 3 months
                N0574,                         ADL Index                                   64%     92%  P <
                Brown et al. [37]              HVLT-R                                      0.001
                2016                           GPT, COWAT                                  QOL change from
                                               TMT-A and B                                 baseline
                                                                                           -0.1     -20   P = 0.001
               SRS: stereotactic radiosurgery; WBRT: whole brain radiotherapy; OS: overall survival; NCF: neurocognitive functions; QOL: quality of
               life;MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination; HVLT-R: Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised; FACT: functional assessment of cancer
               therapy; ADL: activities of daily living; GPT: Grooved Pegboard Test; COWAT: Controlled Oral Word Association Test; TMT: Trail Making
               Test Part A and B

               Alliance trial evaluated the amount of decline in neurocognitive function at 3 months compared to baseline
               with 6 different cognitive tests. The WBRT and SRS group showed significant decline compared to SRS
               alone group (92% vs. 64%, P < 0.001) at 3 months. Among long term survivors, cognitive decline rates in SRS
               only and SRS plus WBRT groups were 45% vs. 94% (P = 0.007) in 3 months and 60% vs. 94% (P = 0.04) in
               12 months, respectively, despite the increased local control in 1 year with the addition of WBRT (85% vs.
               51%). In each cognitive test there was higher deteroiration in SRS plus WBRT group, reaching statistical
               significance for immediate memory (30% vs. 8%, P = 0.004), delayed memory (51.% vs. 20%, P < 0.001) and
               verbal memory (17% vs. 2%, P = 0.01), respectively .

               The summary of these four trials can be seen in Table 1. As a whole, adjuvant WBRT reduces distant in-
               brain recurrence approximately by 50% and increases local control approximately by 15%-30%, without
               any survival benefit . Of note, as mentioned before, none of these trials were powered to evaluate survival
               difference. One explanation for the lack of survival benefit for adjuvant WBRT is the uncontrolled
               extracranial disease which is the proximate cause of death. But even the largest EORTC trial that enrolled
               only patients with systemic disease under control to eliminate the competing risk of death from extracranial
               disease and to be able to detect the survival advantage of WBRT if any, did not find any difference.
               Secondary analyses of JROSG 99 showed survival benefits of WBRT among NSCLC patients with high DS-
               GPA scores (good prognosis). But, secondary analyses of EORTC and Alliance trials failed to confirm this
               result. On the other hand, efficacy of local salvage therapies in SRS only arm might also be attibuted to the
               lack of survival benefit . Taken together, in the absence of survival advantage and recognized neurotoxicity
               of WBRT the results of these 4 trials suggest that in single or 24 brain metastases, SRS alone might be the
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