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Mason                                                                                                                                                                        What clinicians should want from scientists

           hypothesis a lab programme which compared tissue   some years, this drug was, effectively, put “back on the
           from early disease with those from locally advanced   shelf”, because it was not obvious what advantages it
           disease would surely bear fruit?                   might offer compared to existing anti-androgens such
                                                              as flutamide, although the mechanism of action is
           WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED FROM CLINICAL                 different; flutamide is a competitive blocker of the AR,
           TRIALS ABOUT LIFE-THREATENING                      while abiraterone inhibits androgen synthesis. Part
                                                              of the reason for the clinical uncertainty was that in
           PROSTATE CANCER?                                   the late 1990s, when this decision was made, it was
                                                              not appreciated that prostate cancer cells contained
           Generations of oncologists and urologists in training   low levels of androgen, even in advanced cases, and
           were taught that advanced prostate cancer was      that they were even capable of synthesising their
           characterised by a phase during which the disease   own androgen [18] . Once this was recognised, there
           would respond to hormone therapy of some sort, an   was a new rationale for testing abiraterone in patients
           observation that dates back over 70 years [13] . After a   progressing after firstline ADT. This was done in two
           period, which in the case of metastatic disease might   pivotal randomised trials, comparing abiraterone with
           have been only of the order of 18 months, the disease   placebo and showing unequivocally that abiraterone
           progressed, and it was perfectly reasonable to ascribe   improved survival [19,20] . As well as the obvious clinical
           the label “hormone resistant” to this latter phase.   benefits, these studies confirmed, and extended
           A “favourite” question that clinicians want to ask of   the initial laboratory observations; prostate cancer
           their scientific colleagues is why this should be, and   growth, even in advanced cases, remains driven by
           what might be the mechanism of disease progression   the androgen receptor. Mutations in the AR may allow
           after first line treatment with ADT. The multitude of   cancer cells to respond to minutes levels of androgen,
           explanations seem to fall into two categories: one in   to different ligands, or even to be ligand-independent,
           which some sort of acquired hormone insensitivity   but at its heart, advanced prostate cancer is anything
           emerges, probably as a result of additional mutations,   but “hormone-resistant” - if anything, it is often “hormone
                                                              super-sensitive”. This finding drove the recent change
           or other changes in key molecules such as the      in nomenclature, from “hormone-resistant” to “castrate
           androgen receptor [14] . An alternative possibility is that   refractory”, a term which we must acknowledge is
           disease progression results from the clonal expansion   hated by our patients. We must also remember,
           of a subgroup of cells, present at the time of the initial   though, that the survival benefits in these advanced
           ADT, but insensitive to treatment ab initio. Support for   patients are modest- of the order of a few months’
           the latter possibility comes from a randomised trial   only, and that disease progression after abiraterone
           conducted by the EORTC, in which patients, who were   (and similarly after novel and more potent AR blockers
           not fit enough to receive curative therapy, were planned   such as enzalutamide) is inevitable [21,22] . The scientific
           to commence long-term ADT and were randomised      imperative for clinicians is to understand what other
           between immediate therapy, and treatment delayed   pathways co-operate with AR-mediated signalling to
           until further disease progression [15] . There was no   drive subsequent disease progression.
           difference in prostate cancer mortality, though there
           was some improvement in mortality from any cause (the   One way to overcome the complex effects of multiple,
           reasons for this are still debated). However, strikingly,   diverse, and - within a tumor - heterogeneous mutations
           the time course to the onset of disease progression   is to treat patients earlier in the course of their disease,
           after first line ADT, was identical, irrespective of whether   and this was the thinking behind the STAMPEDE trial,
           the ADT was given immediately, or delayed [16] . Why   which tests a number of additional therapies, given
           might the time at which so-called “hormone resistant”   alongside first-line ADT. This has already borne fruit,
           disease is detectable be independent of when ADT was   with chemotherapy using docetaxel being recognised
           given? Almost the only explanation, if the findings are   as the new standard of care, in combination with ADT,
           generalisable, is that resistant disease has emerged   for patients with metastatic disease who have not yet
           from a resistant sub-population that was present at   had long-term hormone therapy, following reports from
           the time of the initial therapy. Is this true? We need our   the STAMPEDE and CHAARTED trials that docetaxel
           scientists to answer this question.                given at this time improved overall survival with a
                                                              25% reduction in the odds of death [2,23] . Results from
           Of the novel anti-androgens described above, one in   the addition of abiraterone to ADT in the STAMPEDE
           particular deserves mention. Abiraterone acetate is   trial, and also in a second trial called LATTITUDE, are
           an inhibitor of androgen synthesis, via dual inhibition   expected imminently. Many questions arise from these
           of the 17a-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase enzymes, and it   studies: what is the mechanism of the benefit showed
           reduces testosterone levels in untreated men [17] . For   by docetaxel? Which patients benefit, as surely not all
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