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Oiseth et al.                                                                                                                                                                                               Cancer immunotherapy

           classically  considered  to  be  comprised  of  the  innate   these  evasive mechanisms represent the  major
           and  adaptive  arms,  although  this  is  a  simplification   area  of  interest  in  current  CI  research.  The  concept
           since these arms have overlapping functions and are   that  the  immune  system  is  capable  of  detecting  and
           intimately related. The innate immune system includes   killing  nascent  “non-self”  malignant  cells  was  first
           dendritic  cells,  natural  killer  cells  (NK),  macrophages,   developed by Burnet [30,31]  and Thomas [32]  in their cancer
           neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells.   immunosurveillance hypothesis. The concept was not
           Innate immune cells do not require prior stimulation   accepted initially but it is now considered a component
           by antigens and act as a first line of defense against   of  cancer  immunoediting,  whereby  the  surveillance
           foreign antigens. The adaptive immune system includes   system can determine or “shape” the immunogenicity of
           B lymphocytes, CD4  helper T lymphocytes, and CD8    the tumor cells which are not eliminated initially [33] . The
           cytotoxic  T  lymphocytes  (CTLs),  and  requires  formal   immunoediting process has been formally divided into
           presentation by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) for its   three main phases: elimination, equilibrium, and escape.
           activation [21] . The adaptive immune system generates   The elimination phase refers to the initial damage and
           antigen-specific T- and B-cell lymphocytes. The immune   possible destruction of tumor cells by the innate immune
           system is highly variable between individuals but   system, followed by presentation of the tumor antigens
           relatively stable over time within a given person [22] .  in the cellular debris to dendritic cells which then present
                                                              them to T-cells and thereby create tumor-specific CD4
           Each cell is estimated to experience over 20,000 DNA   and  CD8   T-cells.  These help destroy the remaining
           damaging events each day  [23] , which are normally   tumor cells if elimination is complete. The equilibrium
           repaired  by  specific  DNA  repair  pathways  with  no   phase occurs when any tumor cells survive the initial
           lasting  effects [24] .  Cells  which  are  not  repaired  and   elimination attempt but are not able to progress, being
           which  acquire  malignant  or  potentially  malignant   maintained  in  a  state  of  equilibrium  with  the  immune
           changes  are  then  usually  recognized  and  killed  by   cells. In the escape phase, cancer cells grow and
           the tumor immunosurveillance system.  This involves   metastasize  due  to  loss  of  control  by  the  immune
                                                              system.  The cancer cells which are not eliminated
           predominantly cell-mediated mechanisms that can    and  which  escape  may  do  this  by  expressing  fewer
           differentiate between self and non-self antigens. Since   antigens on their surfaces or even by losing their MHC
           a malignant cell can have more than 11,000 genomic   class I expression [34] . They may also show the ability
           mutations, many new tumor-associated antigens      to protect themselves from T-cell attack by expressing
           (TAAs)  may  be  expressed [25] .  TAAs  include  products   immune  checkpoint  (IC)  molecules  on  their  surfaces
           of mutated proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes,   like normal cells; these IC molecules are upregulated
           overexpressed or aberrantly expressed proteins, tumor   by cytokines produced by activated T-cells and are part
           antigens  produced  by  oncogenic  viruses,  oncofetal   of a normal negative feedback loop to control excessive
           antigens,  altered  glycolipids  and  glycoproteins,  and   tissue damage from inflammation by downregulating or
           cell  type-specific  differentiation  antigens.  These  new   suppressing T-cells [35] .
           TAAs, or fragments thereof, are presented on the cell
           surfaces  with  their  major  histocompatibility  complex   The dynamic that exists between the immune system
           (MHC) molecules. However, recognition of an antigen-  and tumor antigens is a phenomenon recognized
           MHC complex by a T-cell antigen receptor is insufficient   relatively recently, since it was only in 1991 that van der
           for  the  initial  activation  of  naive  T-cells,  requiring   Bruggen and colleagues first reported the existence of
           additional costimulatory signals that are provided by the   a human tumor antigen recognized by T-cells [36] . They
           engagement of the CD28 receptor on the T-cell surface   were able to clone the melanoma antigen-encoding
           with B7 ligand molecules (two of which are CD80 and   gene  (MAGE),  which  encodes  an  antigen  recognized
           CD86)  on  the  APCs.  This  CD28  receptor/B7  ligand   by cytotoxic T-cells. This provided not only proof that the
           combination  or  “immunological  synapse”  stimulates   immune system was capable of seeking and destroying
           the proliferation and function of the T-cells. Many other   tumor cells but also provided the first identification of a
           receptor/ligand combinations are possible between   molecular target.
           activated T-cells and other cells, including tumor cells,
           and some of these interactions are inhibitory, such as   The ability of cancer cells to evade immune destruction
           PD-1/PD-L1 and CTLA-4/B7  [26-29] , and are discussed   has been proposed as the eighth hallmark of cancer [37] .
           later in this monograph.                           As noted above, a tumor is able to do this not only by
                                                              modulating its own cellular characteristics but also by
           Some  malignant  cells  are  able  to  evade  the  tumor   creating its own “tumor microenvironment” by recruiting
           immunosurveillance system by manipulating their    apparently normal immune cells to help shield it from
           own  characteristics  as  well  as  the  cells  in  their   attack by the immune system. Through the production
           microenvironment  to  become  “successful”  tumors;   of  various  cytokines  and  chemokines,  successful
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 31, 2017       253
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