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Yagawa et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Cancer immunity and hyperthermia

           (HECKEL  HT3000,  Heckel  medizintechnik  GmgH,    flow. These perceptions indicate the synergetic effect
           Esslingen, Germany), and have performed combination   of combination use of radiotherapy and hyperthermia .
           therapy with adoptive transfer of CD3-activated T-cells   Moreover, additional use of DNA repair inhibitors was
           and cancer-antigen loaded DC vaccines. Patients with   reported to further enhance its efficacy [84] .
           various solid tumors were vaccinated once a week
           with DC vaccine prepared from autologous monocyte-  Combination therapy with chemotherapy
           derived DCs, which were pretreated with tumor antigens.   Chemotherapy is the most popular therapeutic method
           The DC vaccine was injected intradermally near the   for patients with inoperative cancer and recurrent or
           inguinal lymph nodes and CD3-activated T-cells were   metastatic cancer; however, there are serious problems
           administered intravenously [Figure 4A]. Some patients   including  its  uncertain  efficacy,  drug  resistance,  and
           underwent whole-body hyperthermia at the same time,   adverse effects.  To improve therapeutic results,
           with the target rectal temperature set at 38.5 °C and   combination use of hyperthermia was tested, and
           heat-retention for  another  1 h  [Figure 4B and C]. To   increased anticancer effect was reported in paclitaxel,
           evaluate the induction of immune responses in patients   docetaxel, gemcitabine, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan [85] .
           who received antigen-loaded DC vaccination, we     The mechanism of interaction of chemotherapy and
           examined the onset of skin reaction at the vaccination   hyperthermia was considered as follows: increased
           site  because  this  reaction  indicates  antigen-specific   drug uptake into cancer cells by causing damage to
           T-cell responses against tumor antigens presented   the membrane of cancer cells and reducing oxygen
           by DC vaccine.  Then, we examined how much DC      radical  detoxification.  Eventually,  DNA  damage
           vaccination was required in each patient up to the   increased while DNA repair decreased.  Additionally,
           point when delayed hypersensitivity like skin reaction   hyperthermia was reported to have a potential ability
           sizes 48 h after DC vaccination became consistently   to avoid drug resistance  . In addition, it is also
                                                              expected  that  elevated  blood  flow  could  result  in  a
           larger than 1.5 cm in diameter. The average number of   relative  increase  in  anticancer  drug  concentration
           vaccinations to induce skin reaction was 3.87 and 3.32   within the tumor. Moreover, adverse effects can be
           in patients without and with whole-body hyperthermia,   decreased because increased drainage of the drugs
           respectively  [Figure  5A].  Moreover,  12  of  19  patients   may accelerate in normal cells due to the up-regulation
           who underwent whole-body hyperthermia successfully   of metabolism. On the other hand, some anticancer
           elevated  their  core  body  temperature  above  38.5  °C   drugs,  including  5-fluorouracil,  gemcitabine,  and
           in every treatment and displayed earlier expression of   oxaliplatin, are considered to enhance cancer immunity
           skin reaction [Figure 5B]. This result indicated that the   by inducing the infiltration of CTLs while reducing Tregs
           combined use of hyperthermia with a DC vaccine and   in the tumor [88] . Accordingly, enhancing the efficacy of
           activated T-cells had a positive impact on the induction   chemotherapy will result secondarily in up-regulation of
           of T-cell based immune responses [76] .            cancer immunity.

           Combination therapy with radiotherapy              Combination therapy with surgery
           The enhancement of anticancer efficacy of combination   Chemotherapy  is  usually  performed  for  peritoneal
           use of radiotherapy and hyperthermia was clinically   metastases, but its prognosis is nonetheless bad,
           recognized  in  cervical,  breast,  and  head  and  neck   because  blood  flow to the peritoneum is poor owing
           cancer and so on   [77] . Even though radiological   to  the  presence of the  peritoneal-plasma barrier [89] .
           cytotoxicity induces DNA damage of cancer cells [78] ,   Hyperthermic  effects  are  considered  to impair  the
           some cancer cells can come back into existence     peritoneal-plasma barrier and result in increased
           (termed sublethal damage repair  or lethal damage   resorption of anticancer drugs in peritoneal  tumors.
           repair) [79,80] . In the analysis of the cell cycling, quiescent   Hence,  the combination of hyperthermia and
           tumor cells were more resistant to irradiation because   chemotherapy  by  intraperitoneal  administration
           cells in this stage have the potential for lethal damage   resulted in more anticancer drug accumulation in
           repair [81] . In contrast, hyperthermia can inhibit the repair   peritoneal  tumors  than  after  chemotherapy  alone [90] .
           of radiation-induced damage in cancer cells, so that   Using this concept, the effectiveness of cytoreductive
           combination use  of  hyperthermia  can  enhance  the   surgery with subsequent HIPEC has been reported for
           anticancer  efficacy  of  radiotherapy [82,83] . Cells in the   peritoneal metastasis from gastric [91] , colorectal [92,93] ,
           synthesis (S) phase are also relatively radio-resistant,   appendiceal [94] , and adrenal cancer [95] . Generally HIPEC
           while  they  are  the  most  sensitive  to  hyperthermia.   is performed after resection of the cancer lesion with
           Additionally, hypoxic cells in  tumors are also  radio-  or  without  systemic  peritonectomy  by  intraperitoneal
           resistant,  while  hyperthermia  improves  the  anaerobic   administration of an anticancer drug containing saline,
           condition  by  oxygen  delivery  due  to  increased  blood   which is heated in advance to maintain the peritoneal

                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 31, 2017       225
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