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J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2016;2 Suppl 1

           Key words:                                         our  first  proof-of-principle  study,  we  could  show  that
           Radiation  therapy,  cancer stem  cells, epigenetic   ALDH-positive CSCs are radioresistant and maintained
           reprogramming, radiosensitization                  directly  by  the  Wnt/β-catenin  signaling  pathway.
                                                              In addition,  we found that irradiation  is inducing  in
           References                                         a dose- and time-dependent  manner  several  CSC
                                                              marker and CSC properties.  This irradiation-induced
           1.   Peitzsch C, Cojoc M, Hein L, Kurth I, Mäbert K, Trautmann F, Klink   CSC-plasticity was attributed  to  the  modulation of
               B, Schröck E, Wirth MP, Krause M, Stakhovsky EA, Telegeev GD,   the histone methylation code.  Within the presented
               Novotny V, Toma M, Muders M, Baretton GB, Frame FM, Maitland
               NJ, Baumann  M, Dubrovska  A.  An epigenetic  reprogramming   study we analyzed  a panel  of secreted cytokines in
               strategy to resensitize radioresistant prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res   the medium of the radioresistant sublines and found
               2016;76:2637-51.                               for  example the  CXCR4-CXCL12  signaling  to  be
           2.   Cojoc  M,  Peitzsch  C,  Kurth  I,  Trautmann  F,  Kunz-Schughart  LA,   involved in the CSC maintenance and the induction of
               Telegeev GD, Stakhovsky EA, Walker JR, Simin K, Lyle S, Fuessel   radioresistance in prostate cancer. This was proven in
               S,  Erdmann  K,  Wirth  MP,  Krause  M,  Baumann  M,  Dubrovska   a s.c. xenotransplantation model in vivo and in ex vivo
               A.  Aldehyde  dehydrogenase  is  regulated  by  β-Catenin/TCF  and   treated primary prostate cancer biopsies. Conclusion:
               promotes radioresistance in prostate cancer progenitor cells. Cancer
               Res 2015;75:1482-94.                           The CXCR4-CXCL12 signaling axis is involved in the
           3.   Krause M, Dubrovska A, Linge A, Baumann M. Cancer stem cells:   maintenance of prostate CSCs and is contributing to
               radioresistance,  prediction  of  radiotherapy  outcome  and  specific   their radioresistant properties.
               targets for combined treatments. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2016 Feb 12.
               pii: S0169-409X(16)30052-7.                    Key words:
                                                              Radiotherapy, cancer stem cells, cytokines, plasticity
           Cytokine profile involved in the maintenance       References
           of radioresistant prostate cancer stem cells       1.   Peitzsch C, Cojoc M, Hein L, Kurth I, Mäbert K, Trautmann F, Klink
                                                                 B, Schröck E, Wirth MP, Krause M, Stakhovsky EA, Telegeev GD,
           Claudia Peitzsch , Monica Cojoc , Linda Hein , Ina    Novotny V, Toma M, Muders M, Baretton GB, Frame FM, Maitland
           Kurth , Anna Dubrovska 1,2                            NJ, Baumann  M, Dubrovska  A.  An epigenetic  reprogramming
                                                                 strategy to resensitize radioresistant prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res
           1 OncoRay - National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Dresden, Germany;  2016;76:2637-51.
           2 German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) Dresden, Dresden, Germany;
           3 Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) Dresden, Dresden, Germany  2.   Cojoc  M,  Peitzsch  C,  Kurth  I,  Trautmann  F,  Kunz-Schughart  LA,
                                                                 Telegeev GD, Stakhovsky EA, Walker JR, Simin K, Lyle S, Fuessel
                                                                 S,  Erdmann  K,  Wirth  MP,  Krause  M,  Baumann  M,  Dubrovska
           Aim: There is increasing evidence that human prostate   A.  Aldehyde  dehydrogenase  is  regulated  by  β-Catenin/TCF  and
           cancer is  driven by  a  malignant subpopulation  with   promotes radioresistance in prostate cancer progenitor cells. Cancer
           stem-like properties. These cancer stem cells (CSC)   Res 2015;75:1482-94.
           contribute to  tumor-initiation, metastasis, therapy-
           resistance  and tumor relapse.  We hypothesize  that   A15
           the determination  of  CSC-related biomarker in pre-  Oxidative stress, metastasis and melanoma
           treatment biopsies of prostate cancer patients is
           correlating with treatment outcome and can be used   stem cell - in vitro and in vivo analysis
           for  patient  stratification  and  treatment  selection.   Telma Lisbôa-Nascimento, Milene Ormanji, Darcy
           Methods: We generated  isogenic  radioresistant    Marinho, Michele Longoni  Calió,  Vera Lúcia Rigoni,
           prostate cancer cell lines by applying several fractions   Clélia Rejane Antônio-Bertoncini, Alice Teixeira Ferreira,
           of 4 Gy over a certain period of time until a total dose   Francisco Ribas Bosco
           > 56 Gy  (RR).  These radioresistant sublines  exhibit
           higher expression of CSC marker (e.g. ALDH, CD133,   Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
           CXCR4, ABCG2), epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
           (EMT)  phenotypes, higher self-renewal properties   Aim: Cancer  stem cells  play an essential  role to
           (sphere-formation),  higher  tumorigenicity  and  higher   maintain the tumor size or fuel its growth. In an
           migratory activity. We applied  several  comparative-  advanced  stage of melanoma,  the presence  of a
           omic approaches, such as genomic, proteomic,       subpopulation  of melanoma  stem cells (MSC) is
           metabolomic,  epigenomic  and secretome analysis,   reflected  in  the  resistance  to  the  therapies  and
           comparing aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)-positive   development of the metastasis. MSC exhibit an altered
           CSCs with the RR sublines to identify novel biomarker   metabolism  when compared to normal  melanocyte.
           for prostate cancer radioresistance and to unravel the   This alteration increases  in the presence  of reactive
           contributing molecular mechanisms.  Results:  Within   oxygen species (ROS), such as superoxide  anion
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ November 16, 2016      425
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