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(ENETS), UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society   or principal, components of the soluble core of dense-
            (UKINETS) and  Associazione Medici Endocrinologi   core secretory granules in neuroendocrine  cells and are
            (AME) for neuroendocrine tumor management guidelines   secreted in a physiologically regulated manner. There are
            or position statements using PubMed source. We terminated   8 members in granin family and CgA and chromogranin
            our search including results on 7th January 2016. From   B  (CgB)  are  the  most  clinically  interesting.   However,
            the  PubMed  results,  we  chose  guidelines  or position   the precise function of individual granins is dependent on
            statements published by scientific societies or institutions   the presence of other granins and hormones produced by
            in USA, Europe  and Italy with recognized exper-tise in   a specific neuroendocrine cell, the presence of proteolytic
            neuroendocrine tumor patient management.  We present   processing enzyme and their inhibitors and activators, as
            suggestions for clinical practice based on this analysis.  well as the density and localization of calcium pumps and
                                                              exchangers.   Tumors of neuroendocrine  origin  usually
            WHY SHOULD CIRCULATING                            present with increased plasma levels of serum or plasma
            NEUROENDOCRINE BIOMARKERS BE                      CgA  but the sensitivity of CgA measurements in patient
            USED?                                             with  NETs  is  only  about  60-90%  with  a  specificity  of
                                                              less than 50% due to concomitant  therapy with proton-
            The current view of DNES was descending from Feyrter’s   pump inhibitors (PPIs) or intercurring  oncological  or
            1938 initial  discovery  of neurons and  endocrine  cells   non-oncological diseases. [14,15]  However a recent meta-
            sharing a common  phenotypic program.  These cells   analysis  demonstrated  that  abnormally  high  circulating
            were characterized by the expression of markers such as   CgA levels are a characteristic  feature of patients with
            neuropeptides, chromogranins, neuropeptide processing   NETs and could serve as non-invasive diagnostic markers
            enzymes  subtilase-like  pro-protein  convertases  (SPC2   of NETs in clinical practice.  CgA is considered
            and SPC3) or dense core secretory granules.  All of these   a  pan-neuroendocrine  marker  and  notably  highest
            cells can secrete products such as peptides and biogenic   concentrations were found in midgut NETs especially with
            amines that are tumour specific and may serve as markers   liver metastasis. [17-19]  Pancreastin is a post-translational
            for the diagnosis and follow-up of treatment.  In a few   processing product of CgA and was proposed as useful
            cases, clinical presentation is related to a single hormonal   diagnostic marker because more standardized assays and
            secretion as in insulinoma and gastrinoma, carcinoid   lower PPIs exposure interferences than CgA are reported.
            syndrome  or pheochromocytoma  but  more  frequently   A predictive and prognostic value was also demonstrated
            the diagnosis is incidental or as a result of tumor bulk.    because pre- and post-surgical levels might better reflect
            Circulating  tumor  biomarkers  are  readily  available  and   neuroendocrine disease burden and outcome.  Other
            should  be  implemented  in  clinical  practice  to  diagnose   monoanalyte general neuroendocrine biomarkers used in
            and  monitor  patients  with  NETs. In fact,  seventeen   managing NETs such as CgB, the cytoplasmatic glycolytic
            different circulating biomarkers have been identified for   enzyme  named  neuron-specific  enolase  (NSE),  and
            gastroenteric  neuroendocrine  tumors and more than 30   pancreatic polypeptide (PP) have been used with highest
            gut  peptide  hormone  genes  are  known,  which  express   levels  in small-cell  lung  cancer, poorly  differentiated
            more than 100 bioactive  peptides.  In 2010 the  World   tumors  and  non-functioning  pancreatic  tumors,
            Health Organization  published the new neuroendocrine   respectively, with low diagnostic  performance. Also for
            tumors  classification  and now there  is consensus on   CgB  and  NSE,  sensitivity  and  specificity  performances
            routinely  chromogranin  A (CgA) and synaptophysin   were reported  inadequate  for diagnosis and prognostic
            immunohistochemical  assessment  for neuroendocrine   universal use  according to the National Institutes of
            diagnosis.  On the other hand, the use of a single   Health (NIH) biomarker classification system criteria. [21]
            monoanalytical circulating biomarker for neuroendocrine
            tumors management - although frequently recommended   Gastrin  is  a  diagnostic  marker  for  Zollinger  Ellison
            - is now controversial  but, so far, unavoidable in NET   syndrome characterized  by recurrent  peptic  ulcers  and
            management while waiting for new promising circulating   secretory diarrhea. Gastrin levels higher than 10 fold upper
            biomarkers to be validated in the future.         limit of normal in the setting of high gastric acid output is
                                                              suggestive of gastrinoma. Determination of gastrin levels
            WHICH CIRCULATING BIOMARKERS                      after a secretin test increases sensitivity in case of borderline
            HAVE A ROLE IN NEUROENDOCRINE                     levels.  Insulin is a specific marker of insulinoma and
            TUMOR MANAGEMENT?                                 biochemical  diagnosis depends on inappropriate  insulin
                                                              levels during a fasting glucose tolerance test. [23]
            The cytoplasm of neuroendocrine cells is occupied by a
            large number of secretory granules of varying electron   Neuroendocrine  tumors  may  secrete  urinary
            densities, size and shape, and is the storage site of secretory   5-hydroxyindoleacetic  acid (u-5HIAA),  a metabolite
            products [i.e. serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine  (5-HT),   of 5-HT but also vasoactive  intestinal  peptide  (VIP),
            tachykinins  and  gastrin].  Upon  specific  stimulation,   glucagon and somatostatin with specific syndromes such
            granules are translocated to the cell membrane and their   as carcinoid syndrome, watery diarrhea, sweet syndrome
            content released by exocytosis. Granins are found as major,   or association of gallstones, diabetes and steatorrhea. Even
                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 31, 2016 ¦        349
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