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Topic: Cancer Stem Cells: Impact on Treatment

            The quintessential quiescence of cancer stem cells: a struggle towards
            better treatment

            Anuradha Vaidya
            Symbiosis School of Biomedical Sciences, Symbiosis International University, Symbiosis Knowledge Village, Pune 412115, India.
            Correspondence to: Dr. Anuradha Vaidya, Symbiosis School of Biomedical Sciences, Symbiosis International University, Symbiosis Knowledge
            Village, Pune 412115, India. E-mail:

            It has been almost two decades, since the existence of   cells, such that they inhibit the productive activation of
            leukemic  stem  cells  (LSCs)  were  first  demonstrated   effector T cells. [7]
            in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) using xenogenic
            transplant models. [1,2]  Although LSCs were the first type   Other than the intrinsic factors such as the signaling
            of cancer stem cell (CSC) to be described experimentally,   pathways and the very recently stated micro RNA
            CSCs have been identified in a variety of malignancies   (miR-126)  that  drives  quiescence  and self-renewal
            and extensive efforts have been made to understand   within the LSCs;  extrinsic factors such as the tumour
            and  characterize  specific  biomarkers  associated   microenvironment also plays a central role in the
            with the various types of cancers.  However, it still   progression of cancer. The microenvironment has been
            remains unclear whether these transformed cells arise   implicated as a source of chemoresistance and disease
            as a result of the normal cells undergoing a malignant   relapse. Recent advances strongly indicate that the
            change or whether they are the differentiated malignant   leukemic cells target the microenvironment to create an
            cells that have re-acquired stem-like characteristics.    environment that is more suitable for the progression
            Irrespective of the conundrum regarding the origin   of cancer. [9]  In fact quiescence has been described as
            of  the  LSCs,  studies  have  highlighted  that  there  exists   a survival strategy adopted by CSCs to resist harsh
            remarkable heterogeneity to the LSC compartment at   environmental conditions and cytotoxic insults. [10]
            both the cellular and molecular level.  Such intratumoral
            heterogeneity has been associated with the failure of many   Thus, cancer stem cells are the “unscathed successors”
            chemotherapeutic agents and progress to a refractory   that progressively deteriorate the condition of the patient.
            state, also known as the state of secondary resistance. [6]   Their  inherent  quiescent  “status  quo”  along  with  the
            Furthermore acquired quiescence has offered the CSCs   complex interplay of several factors (as those discussed
            to evade being killed by conventional chemotherapy and   above)  contribute  towards  sustaining  and  propagating
            radiotherapy, leading to cancer relapse and metastasis. [4]  the malignant disease. Eradicating CSCs, the root of
                                                              cancer origin and recurrence, has therefore been thought
            Cancer immune surveillance is considered to be    as a promising approach to improve cancer survival or
            an important host protection process to inhibit   even to cure cancer patients.  Nevertheless, a major
            carcinogenesis and to maintain cellular homeostasis. It   challenge thwarting the eradication of CSCs is that their
            has been shown that deregulation of the tightly controlled   identification and isolation has been hampered due to the
            immune response may result in immune escape of CSCs,   non-specificity of their cell surface biomarkers  and also
            and there has been a growing interest in understanding   by the fact that the commonly used fluorescent markers
            the mechanisms that regulate the immune modulatory   are not stable, and hence do not allow tracking over an
            properties of the CSCs in order to develop more effective   extended period of time. [12]
            therapy that can eradicate these quiescent cells. Some of
            the signs of immune tolerance projected by CSCs include   A  study  conducted  by  Gardane  et  al., [13]   published
            downregulation  of  positive  co-stimulatory molecules,   in this issue demonstrates that low concentrations of
            higher expression of negative co-stimulatory molecules,
            and secretion of soluble factors that induce regulatory T   This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
                                                              Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                                                              others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as
                            Access this article online        the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical
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                                                               How to cite this article: Vaidya A. The quintessential quiescence
                                                               of cancer stem cells: a struggle towards better treatment. J Cancer
                                  DOI:                         Metasta Treat 2016;2:243-4.
                                                               Received: 24-02-2016; Accepted: 29-03-2016.

                        ©2016 Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Published by OAE Publishing Inc.  243
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