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The prognostic indices certainly play an important role   symptomatic CNS metastases. New surgical modalities
            in  assessing  the  risk/benefit  ratio  and  providing  realistic   have expanded the indication and spectrum of tumors
            advice and expectations to patients. For example, patients   that can be successfully removed. Since the introduction
            with poor prognosis can be offered supportive care, and   of intraoperative monitoring and development of less
            those with good prognosis can be offered multimodality   invasive strategies (e.g. microsurgery, endoscopic surgery,
            treatment. The prognostic scores might play a vital role in   intraoperative navigation, ultrasound, and intraoperative
            designing clinical trials as well.                 MRI), surgical removal of brain metastases even in deep-
                                                               seated and elusive areas has become feasible without
            Information about variables on neuroimaging, in addition   increased  morbidity.  To date,  the  strongest evidence
            to the pure number of brain metastases, might be valuable   for  a  survival  benefit  from  surgery  is  for  single  CNS
            extensions to currently established prognostic scores.   metastases.  In 1996, Mintz  et al.   did  not  confirm  a
            Spanberger and colleagues found a significant correlation   positive impact of surgery on overall survival in these
            between a small brain edema with an invasive tumor   patients. However, only 21.4% of patients in this study had
            growth pattern, a low neo-angiogenic activity, and a low   a controlled extracerebral disease, and none of the patients
            expression  of  HIF1a.  These  findings  were  associated   had brain MRI assessment; therefore, comparability
            with a shorter overall survival.  Further, high DW-MRI   with other studies is rather limited.  In a retrospective
            hyperintensity correlated significantly with a high amount   study of treatment modalities in 1,292 patients with CNS
            of interstitial reticulin deposition, and this was again   metastasis of lung cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma,
            associated with lower survival.  Similarly, pre-operative   Lagerwaard et al.  demonstrated an increase of median
            DW-MRI characteristics of cerebral metastases and their   OS of 1.3 months in patients who received best supportive
            peritumoral region in 76 patients were related to patient   care only, 3.6 months in patients who received RT, and
            outcome. [52]                                      8.9 months in patients who received a combination of
                                                               surgery  and  RT.  Similar  median  OS  benefits  were  also
            THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES                             shown in a retrospective study of 1,137 melanoma patients
            TO CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM                          who received best supportive care (2.1 months), RT (3.4
            METASTASIS                                         months), surgery (8.7 months), or combined RT and
                                                               surgical resection. [56]
            CNS metastases are, of course, a heterogeneous group with
            varied response to treatment and survival. Conventional   Benefits of surgery include the ability to establish a tissue
            treatment options usually include a combination of   diagnosis and an immediate decrease of tumor mass,
            steroids, surgery, and radiation.  Cytotoxic chemotherapy   particularly of masses in the posterior fossa. Nevertheless,
            has had a limited role in the treatment of brain metastases,   patients  who  might  benefit  from  surgical  resection  must
            probably because CNS metastases often arise from heavily   be carefully selected. Predictors that favor a surgical
            pretreated primary tumors and may thus have already   benefit include: single or few metastases, tumor location,
            acquired resistance to chemotherapeutics. In addition, the   surgical accessibility, KPS > 70, patient age < 65 years,
            impaired blood-brain barrier penetration of some agents   local mass effect, control of extracranial disease, and
            might  further  reduce  their bioavailability in the CNS.   absence of leptomeningeal involvement.  Based on the
            Therapeutic decisions mainly depend on several factors   therapy oncology group database, patients of RPA class
            related  to  patient  clinical  status  (neurological  deficit,   I  are  likely  to  benefit  from  surgery,  whereas  patients  of
            neurocognitive  deficit,  general  condition,  comorbidities,   RPA class III are not.  The primary goal of surgery is
            etc.), primary disease status, extracranial metastatic disease,   either macroscopic gross total resection or decompression
            and CNS tumor characteristics (number, radiological   dependent on the aforementioned predictors. Intraoperative
            aspect, size, and location).  Median overall survival times   neurosurgical techniques to maximize resection (e.g.
            after occurrence of CNS metastases might be predicted by   image-guided  surgery, [58]  ultrasonography, [59]  and
            biomarkers as shown for LDH elevation in melanoma CNS   introduction  of  fluorescence-guided  surgery ) and to
            metastases.  All relevant clinical factors need to be taken   minimize  neurological  deficits  by  electrophysiological
            into account to identify the best therapeutic strategy among   techniques  improved the likelihood of complete and
            the available therapeutic options. We outline the currently   safe removal of metastases. A combination of surgery plus
            available  local  and  systemic  therapeutic  options  in  the   radiation in patients with up to three CNS metastases can
            following paragraphs.                              improve survival and preserve functional independence,
                                                               as outlined in two prospective studies [61,62]  and three
            LOCAL THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES:                      retrospective studies. [63-65]  Several criteria -- including
            NEUROSURGICAL INTERVENTION AND                     tumor location, medical comorbidities, extracranial
            RADIATION THERAPY                                  disease, and performance status -- may impact individual
                                                               consideration  and risk assessment for surgical resection.
            Neurosurgical intervention and radiation therapy   This is particularly relevant because evidence from
            are currently the main modalities in the therapy of   studies in high-grade glioma surgery indicates that a new

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ May 20, 2016 ¦            167
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