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Medical Center owned two patents on using anti-TfR antibodies   However, mostly amphiphilic molecule-formed liposomes and
            conjugated to polycefin-LLL to cross BBB.  In the second   polymeric nanoparticles (chemical species having a “polar” head
            patent, Patil et al.  prepared polycefin-LLL nanonjugates that   group and “hydrophobic” tails) have been extensively exploited
            could  be  loaded  with  temozolomide  (TMZ)  in  its  hydrazide   for brain drug delivery. [73,75]  Long circulation time of the delivery
            form and modified with PEG.                        system can be achieved by conjugating the nanoparticles with
                                                               polyethylene glycol (PEG) (“PEGylation”). [66,67]   The  PEG-
            A promising approach to enhance brain delivery is to inhibit   coated nanoparticles can escape the mononuclear phagocytic
            efflux  transporters  by  modulating  their  expression  and/or   system and circulate in the body for a longer time, increasing the
            activity. [56,57]  Clinical trial data of third-generation inhibitors   chance of reaching the target and thereby enhancing the effect of
            (ariquidar, zosuquidar and elacridar) are awaited for possible   the loaded drug. [66,67]  The effect and benefits of PEGylation are
            clinical application of this treatment approach.  Other naturally   discussed later.
            occurring compounds such as curcumin,  quercetin, [60,61]  and
            kaempferol  are  being  studied  and  modified  for  use  in  brain   Unfortunately, nanoparticles can carry some serious adverse
            cancer therapy to overcome the problem of multidrug resistance   effects.  Adverse effects of nanoparticles depend on individual
            (MDR).  Barthomeuf et al.  studied the use of curcuminoid   factors such as genetics, existing disease conditions, exposure,
            compounds to enhance the clinical efficacy of docetaxel for the   nanoparticle chemistry, size, shape, agglomeration state, and
            treatment of cancers including GBM. The group proposes that, in   electromagnetic properties.   The key to understanding the
            addition to reducing Pgp transport, curcumin may reduce HIF-1-   toxicity of nanoparticles is their size.  Nanoparticles are
            dependent and HIF-1-independent angiogenesis, which in turn   smaller than mammalian cells and cellular organelles, which
            would inhibit tumor progression, angiogenesis, and induction   allows them to penetrate these biological structures and disrupt
            of resistance.  Banks et al.  provided a method to inhibit the   their  normal function.   Examples  of  toxic  effects  include
            function of RNA- and DNA-encoding efflux transporters among   tissue inflammation and altered cellular redox balance toward
            other blood-brain barrier proteins using antisense compounds.   oxidation, causing abnormal function or cell death. [76]
            The patent suggests that inhibition of Pgp expression would
            allow increased accumulation of chemotherapeutic drugs in the   Polymeric nanoparticles
            CNS and thus improve therapeutic clinical outcomes.In another   Polymeric micelles are formed from amphiphilic block
            patent, McChesney et al. used a group of taxane analogues that   copolymers forming a core/shell nanostructure. In aqueous
            stabilize tubulin dimers or microtubules at G2-M during mitosis   media, the hydrophilic heads are arranged to the outside and the
            but are not substrates for MDR proteins. [64]      hydrophobic tails to the inside to stabilize the structure, which
            The physiologic approach to target brain tumors takes advantage   is suitable for IV injections . Delivery of docetaxel for the
                                                               treatment of brain tumors by cyclic arginine-glycine-aspartic
            of endogenous receptors that are highly expressed at the
            BBB. [30,31]  Unfortunately, almost all the receptors are nearly   acid (RGD)-tagged polymeric micelles was developed by Li et
            nonspecific as indicated by percentage dose reaching the brain   al.  The authors found that RGD has affinity to bind to integrin
            following administration compared to percentage reaching   receptor, which is overexpressed in glioblastoma tissues.
            other organs such as the liver, spleen or lung.  To avoid such
            nonselective patterns, Tosi et al.  used double-targeting ligands   Krebs invented a novel biodegradable hydrogel polymer
            to provide added targeting benefit and minimize nonselectivity.   comprising chitin and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) for delivery
            The targeting ligands used by Tosi et al.  were sialic acid and   of therapeutic agents to brain tumors.  The  biodegradable
            glycopeptides. The targeting ligands were covalently conjugated   hydrogel detailed in Krebs’ patent would allow release of anti-
            to PLGA nanoparticles (SA-g7-Np). [65]             VEGF to the periphery of the resected tumor site in a localized
                                                               manner, with stable release rate over a sustained period. The
            Nanocarriers for brain drug delivery               pH-sensitive polymers which release the drug in an acidic
            Nano-based delivery systems have seized increased attention   microenvironment of solid tumors and endosomes, were the
            from formulators, as indicated by recent patents and studies[   focus of a patent by Bae et al.  Targeting ligands, such as
            supplement material  Table 1].  This can be attributed to   folate, can also be attached to the mixed micelles for enhancing
            their unique ability to deliver to therapeutic and diagnostic   drug delivery into brain cells. [56]
            moieties. [66-72]  Nanocarriers are unique because of their small
            size (typically sub 200 nm).  Nanoparticles are easily   Zhou et al.  in a recent patent, developed small, less aggregable
            tailored in their structure and properties.  They also can carry   brain-penetrating polymeric nanoparticles that can be loaded
            active therapeutic or diagnostic moieties of heterogeneous   with drugs. In another patent, Wu et al.  used polymethacrylic
            physicochemical properties, and their release pattern can be   acid grafted starch (PMAA-g-St) nanoparticles containing
            controlled. [73]                                   polysorbate moieties that can target the polymer to brain tissues.
                                                               Hyper-branched polymer of polyglycerol-amine (PG-NH2) was
            A representation of possible NP structure(s) is shown in Figure   demonstrated to accumulate in the tumor environment due to the
            3A. NPs can be formulated from different materials including   enhanced permeability and retention effect (EPR), as described
            polymers, lipids, organometallic compounds, and viruses.    in a patent by Yerushalmi et al. [83]

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