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alterations,  they  were  able  to  establish  a  miRNA-based   measured  735  circulating  miRNAs  in  PDAC  cases,  and
            panel  of  fi ve  different  miRNA  species  that  were  able  to   controls sera and miR-1290 were found to show the best
            distinguish  CCA  from  primary  sclerosing  cholangitis  or   diagnostic  performance.  Kawaguchi  et  al. [135]   found  that
            other biliary obstructions. This may offer an original way   plasma  miR-221  concentrations  were  signifi cantly  higher
            to make an early diagnosis of CCA.                in  PDAC  patients  than  those  with  benign  pancreatic
                                                              tumors and controls. In recent studies, miRNAs were also
            Clinical application of miRNAs in CCA
                                                              found  to  be  useful  as  diagnostic  markers  for  precursor
            Meng  et  al. [119]   provided  the  fi rst  evidence  for  the   lesions  of  PDAC.  Caponi  et  al. [136]   found  that  miR-21
            involvement  of  miRNAs,  as  well  as  its  fi rst  therapeutic   and  miR-155  were  up-regulated  in  invasive  intraductal
            use in CCA. When they compared the miRNA expression   papillary  mucinous  neoplasms  (IPMNs)  compared  with
            patterns  between  malignant  and  non-malignant  human   non-invasive IPMNs. Further multivariate analyses showed
            cholangiocytes,  miR-21,  miR-141  and  miR-200b  were   that  high  miR-21  expression  emerged  as  an  independent
            highly  overexpressed  in  malignant  cells  and  inhibition   prognostic  biomarker  in  invasive  IPMNs  with  a  poor
            of miR-21 and miR-200b sensitized cells to gemcitabine.   survival.  Lubezky  et  al. [137]   also  found  miRNAs  were
            Treatment  of  xenografts  with  gemcitabine  changed   useful  in  identifying  IPMN  with  high  risk  for  malignant
            several  miRNA  expression  levels  and  modulated   transformation.  The  expression  levels  of  15  miRNAs,
            phosphatase  and  tensin  homolog-dependent  PI3  kinase   including miR-217, miR-216a, miR-21 and miR-155, were
            signaling.  Okamoto  et  al. [124]   sought  to  investigate  the   signifi cantly different between two IPMN subgroups (low/
            role  of  miRNAs  in  chemoresistance  and  compared   moderate-grade dysplastic IPMNs vs. high-grade dysplastic
            miRNA  profi les  of  two  CCA  cell  lines  distinguished   IPMN)  and  invasive  cancer  with  IPMN.  Pancreatic  cysts
            by  gemcitabine  resistance.  They  identifi ed  miR-29B,   are  a  group  of  lesions  with  heterogeneous  malignant
            miR-205  and  miR-221  whose  ectopic  overexpression   potential. Farrell et al. [138]  showed miR-21 and miR-221 in
            could restore gemcitabine sensitivity in the resistant cell   pancreatic cyst fl uid was associated with invasive cancer.
            line.  They  showed  that  knockdown  of  two  predicted   With  regard  to  survival,  strong  miR-21  expression  was
            targets,  PIK3R1  (miR-29b  and  miR-221  target)  and   predictive  of  poorer  outcomes  compared  with  absent
            MMP-2  (miR-29b  target  only),  via  small  interfering   or  faint/focal  miR-21  expression  in  patients  with
            RNA  conferred  the  same  level  of  gemcitabine  to  the   node-negative  PDAC. [139]   Jamieson  et  al. [140]   found  that
            resistant  cell  line.  They  showed  that  miR-125a-5p  was   high  expression  of  miR-21  and  reduced  expression  of
            up-regulated  in  the  resistant  cell  line  and  that  inhibition   miR-34a were signifi cantly associated with a poor OS in
            of  miR-125a-5p  inhibited  cell  proliferation  in  that  cell   global miRNA microarray expression profi ling. Frampton
            line independent of chemoresistance.              et  al. [141]   found  that  a  high  level  of  a  combination  of
            Pancreatic Cancer                                 miR-21,  miR-23a  and  miR-27a  was  associated  with
                                                              shorter  survival  times  after  surgical  resection.  While
            Pancreatic  ductal  adenocarcinoma  (PDAC)  is  a  lethal   strong expression of miR-21 predicted limited survival in
            malignancy  with  a  poor  prognosis  due  to  advanced   PDAC patients, high expression of miR-200c, a member
            stage  disease  at  initial  diagnosis,  frequent  recurrence,   of  the  miR-200  family,  is  a  good  prognostic  sign. [142,143]
            and the absence of treatment strategies that specifically   Elevated  levels  of  miR-155,  miR-203,  miR-210  and
            and  effectively  target  these  tumors. [125]   Only  15%  of   miR-222  expression  in  PDCA  were  signifi cantly
            PDAC patients are candidates for surgical resection at   associated  with  an  increased  risk  of  death  compared  to
            the time of diagnosis. [126]  Chemotherapy is considered   patients with reduced expression of these miRNAs. [144]  A
            to  be  the  main  treatment  option  for  unresectable   subgroup  of  six  miRNAs  (miR-452,  miR-105,  miR-127,
            cases,  while  chemoradiotherapy  may  improve  the   miR-518a-2,  miR-187  and  miR-30a-3p)  was  found  to
            survival  and  quality  of  life. [127,128]   However,  PDAC   identify  long-term  survivors  with  node-positive  disease
            is  still  extremely  resistant  to  the  currently  available   from  those  dying  within  24  months. [145]   In  addition,
            regimens.  Exploring  miRNAs  as  therapeutic  targets   increased  expression  levels  of  miR-155,  miR-203,
            and  biomarkers  for  the  diagnosis  and  prognosis  of   miR-210  and  miR-222  were  found  to  be  signifi cantly
            PDAC is of interest. [129-131]                    associated  with  poorer  survival. [144,146]   In  some  recent
            miRNAs as novel diagnostic and prognostic         studies,  reduced  expressions  of  miR-218 [147]   and
                                                                           in  PDAC  tissues  were  found  to  correlate
            biomarkers in pancreatic cancer
                                                              with a poor prognosis.
            Kong et al. [132]  found that three serum miRNAs, including   Clinical application of miRNAs in pancreatic
            miR-196a, were differentially expressed in PDAC compared
            with control groups. Another investigation by Wang et al.   cancer
            showed  that  the  expression  levels  of  four  miRNAs  in   Some prognostic miRNAs also play a role in the effi cacy
            plasma (miR-21, miR-210, miR-155 and miR-196a) were   of  anticancer  therapy,  thus  presenting  themselves  as
            signifi cantly higher in patients with PDAC. [133]  Li et al. [134]    new  therapeutic  possibilities.  For  instance,  PDAC  cells

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