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Topic: Phytochemicals and
Cancer Chemoprevention
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and is
responsible for one in six mortalities. Furthermore,
around 70% of cancer deaths in the last decade occurred
in developing countries. Cancer treatments are extremely
expensive and the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic
drugs is limited. Consequently, treatment becomes
Dr. Sanjay Gupta unaffordable due to high cost, the ability to tolerate,
and side-effects of these drugs resulting in increased
suffering and mortality. However, around 30% of
Carter Kissell Professor & Research
Director, Case Western Reserve all cancer deaths could be prevented by a change in
University, University Hospitals Cleveland lifestyle and diet. It is well known that phytochemicals,
Medical Center, Louis Stokes Cleveland derived from plants consumed as part of our diet, are
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, powerful bioactive compounds and have an important
Cleveland, OH, USA. role in cancer chemoprevention. In this Special Issue on
“Phytochemicals and Cancer Chemoprevention” we will
assemble articles on potential anticancer phytochemicals
and agents, their molecular targets, and mechanisms of
actions. Understanding the mechanism(s) of plant-derived
agents against cancer will lead to a new dimension of
drug invention and targets for successful intervention.