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Topic: Liquid Biopsies in
Cancer Early Diagnosis
Significant progress in cancer diagnosis and treatment
has contributed to improved clinical outcomes for many
cancers. However, cancer remains a major health problem
around the globe. Early detection of malignant tumors
that are still treatable (e.g., surgical removal) is key to
Dr. Wei Zhang lowering cancer-related mortality and improving patient
survival. Compared to tissue-based cancer diagnosis
approaches that may be limited by for example the issue
Department of Preventive Medicine,
Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern of tumor heterogeneity, difficulty in obtaining tissue
University, Evanston, IL, USA. at certain body locations, and possible complications
associated with the biopsy procedure, approaches
Dr. Zhang had training in human genetics, utilizing liquid biopsy (i.e., bodily fluids such as blood,
pharmacogenomics, and computational urine, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, sweat) have been
biology. His research interests include demonstrated as a noninvasive or minimally-invasive,
the genetics and epigenetics of complex clinically convenient alternative that has been attracting
traits, such as risks for common diseases more and more research efforts during the past few years.
(e.g., cancer, diabetic complications), drug
response, and gene expression. Dr. Zhang’s Specifically, tumor-derived mutational, epigenetic, and
lab has been continuously supported by transcriptomic features are contained in certain bodily
the NIH. He is the PI of several major fluids from a patient, thus providing the rationale for
NIH- and industry-sponsored projects developing cancer biomarkers based on these specimens.
with the primary goal of developing novel Furthermore, during the past few years exciting technical
epigenetics-based biomarkers for human advances have emerged to allow profiling various
cancers and chronic diseases using liquid molecular targets in a variety of clinical specimens. In
biopsies. His group published the largest this Special Issue, we are interested in publishing original
clinical study of 5-hydroxymethylation
biomarkers for liver cancer using articles, reviews, short communications, and technical
circulating cell-free DNA. Dr. Zhang’s notes that cover the broad area of cancer early diagnosis
research was widely covered by worldwide using liquid biopsy.
media, including the BBC, Reuters, and
the New York Times. Dr. Zhang is also a
frequent reviewer/study section member/
chairperson for numerous national and
international research programs.