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Nakamura et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:32  I                     Page 3 of 11

               Table 1. CTC enrichment and detection technologies
                Method              System                    Principle                   Limitations
                Enrichment technologies
                Biological         CellSearch  EpCAM antibodies coated with ferrofluid beads  Dependent on EpCAM
                                   AdnaTest    Immunomagnetic detection of EpCAM      High rate of false positive
                                   CTC-chip    EpCAM antibodies coated with microposts  Dependent on EpCAM
                                   MACS        Immunomagnetic beads coated with EpCAM antibodies  Dependent on EpCAM
                                   MagSweeper  Immunomagnetic beads coated with EpCAM antibodies  Dependent on EpCAM
                Physical           ISET        Size                                   Variations in cell size
                                   OncoQuik    Density                                Loss of CTCs
                                   RosetteSep  Density, negative selection            Loss of CTCs
                Detection technologies
                Immunocytological  FACS        Antigen expression optical             Limited throughput
                                   FAST        Antigen expression optical             Loss of CTCs
                                   FISH        Detects chromosomal DNA sequence       Loss of vibility
                Molecular          RT-PCR      Measures nucleic acid                  High rate of false positive
                Functional assay   EPISPOT     Antigen expression                     Enzymatic activity varies
               CTC: circulating tumor cell; EpCAM: epithelial cells adhesion molecule; MACS: magnetic activated cell sorting; ISET: isolation by size
               of epithelial tumor; FACS: fluoroscence-assited cell sorting; FAST: fiber-optic array scanning technology; FISH: fluorescence in situ
               hybridization; RT-PCR: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; EPISPOT: epithelial immunospot

                               A                    C             D
                                     Magnetic beads  Anti-mesenchymal                     marker antibody
                                           marker antibody
                                    marker antibody
                                                         Leukocyte                       Anti-mesenchymal
                                         CTC undergoing EMT                               marker antibody
                                                       F                    E                 CTC
                                                                                         Magnetic beads
                                  G                             H               I
                                           Cells with                                      Fluorescent
                                         fluorescent dyes                                   antibody
                                                      CTC                       Protein
                                          Emission                                          Anti-marker


               Figure 1. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) enrichment (A-F) and detection (G-I) technologies. A and B: biological property-based
               techniques. A: positive selection - CTCs can be positively enriched using anti-epithelial or anti-mesenchymal marker antibody; B:
               negative selection - CTCs can be negatively enriched by depleting leukocyte using antibody against CD45. C-E: physical property-based
               techniques. C: filtration - CTCs are filtered using a membrane on the basis of the CTC size; D: chip - CTCs are trapped using microchip
               on the basis of CTC size and deformability; E: ficoll gradient centrifugation - CTCs are separated through a centrifugation on a ficoll
               density gradient on the basis of CTC density. F: physical and biological property-based techniques, CTC-chip - firstly, CTCs are selected
               on the basis of CTCs size, and then CTCs are isolated by magnetic bead-conjugated EpCAM antibodies, while normal hematopoietic
               cells are depleted by magnetic bead-conjugated antibodies against CD45. G: immunocytologial techniques - CTCs can be detected by
               using a combination of anti-epithelial, anti-mesenchymal, anti-tissue-specific marker, or anti-tumor-associated antibodies. H: molecular
               techniques - CTCs can be detected by using RNA-based technologies. I: functional assay - viable CTCs can be isolated by detecting
               secretion of specific tumor proteins from CTCs. MACS: magnetic activated cell sorting; FACS: fluoroscence-assited cell sorting; FAST:
               fiber-optic array scanning technology; FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization; RT-PCR: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction;
               EPISPOT: epithelial immunospot; EMT: epithelial mesenchymal transition
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