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OAE Publishing Inc. ( is a multidisciplinary open-access publishing
company, founded in Los Angeles in 2015. Until now, OAE has been recognized by authoritative
organizations in publishing industries,such as the ORCID, COPE, Scienti�ic, Technical and
Medical Publishers (STM), Crossref, and EASE.
As of June 2022, more than 1,200 outstanding scholars have joined OAE, who are from
world-renowned universities and research institutions, including European Academy of
Sciences, American Academy of Invention Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Royal
Academy of Sciences of Belgium, British Academy of Medical Sciences, etc. There are more than
30 journals founded by OAE (, such as
Intelligence&Robotics, Journal of Materials Informatics, Complex Engineering Systems, Journal of
Smart Environments and Green Computing, and Soft Science, etc. Part of journals have been
indexed by Scopus and CAS. We are currently working on database application including
PubMed and ESCI. Up to June 2022, 3,154 articles have been published online, with 10,944,568
hits and 2,285,864 downloads. In the future, OAE Publishing Company will continue
to found more quality journals with outstanding scholars, to promote the global academic
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OAE Publishing Inc.