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Intelligence & Robotics

           C O NT E NT S

                                                                                                                        Volume 1, Issue 1


           Intelligence and robotics .......................................................................................................  1
           Simon X. Yang*


           Intelligent robotics - misconceptions, current trends, and opportunities ...............................................  3
           Clarence W. de Silva*


           Federated reinforcement learning: techniques, applications, and open challenges ...................................  18
           Jiaju Qi, Qihao Zhou, Lei Lei*, Kan Zheng

           Bio-inspired intelligence with applications to robotics: a survey .......................................................  58
           Junfei Li, Zhe Xu, Danjie Zhu, Kevin Dong, Tao Yan, Zhu Zeng, Simon X. Yang*

           Research Article

           Unsupervised monocular depth estimation with aggregating image features and wavelet SSIM (Structural
           SIMilarity) loss ................................................................................................................  84
           Bingen Li, Hao Zhang*, Zhuping Wang, Chun Liu, Huaicheng Yan, Lingling Hu

                      Intelligence & Robotics ¦ Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ October 2021                          III
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