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Qi et al. Intell Robot 2021;1(1):18-57  I      Page 32

                                  Agent A
                    Environment A
                                                                               Environment A
                  Local Model A  Local Model B  Environment B  Agent B  State  Action  Agent A  Reward  State

                                Environment C
                           Local Model C
                                                    s t+1
                                   Local Model X  Agent C Action  Reward  State  Vertical  Global Environment  Agent N Environment B
                                         Environment N
                                                                                      Agent B
                                                    r t+1
                                                          s t
                                         a t
                                                    r t
                                           Agent N                       Observed Environment N
                  Horizontal Federated Reinforcement Learning    Vertical Federated Reinforcement Learning

                       Figure 8. Comparison of horizontal federated reinforcement learning and vertical federated reinforcement learning.

               In order to facilitate understanding and maintain consistency with FL, FRL is divided into two categories
               depending on environment partition , i.e., HFRL and VFRL. Figure 8 gives the comparison between HFRL
               and VFRL. In HFRL, the environment that each agent interacts with is independent of the others, while the
               state space and action space of different agents are aligned to solve similar problems. The action of each agent
               onlyaffectsitsownenvironmentandresultsincorrespondingrewards. Asanagentcanhardlyexploreallstates
               of its environment, multiple agents interacting with their own copy of the environment can accelerate training
               and improve model performance by sharing experience. Therefore, horizontal agents use server-client model
               or peer-to-peer model to transmit and exchange the gradients or parameters of their policy models (actors)
               and/or value function models (critics). In VFRL, multiple agents interact with the same global environment,
               but each can only observe limited state information in the scope of its view. Agents can perform different
               actions depending on the observed environment and receive local reward or even no reward. Based on the
               actual scenario, there may be some observation overlap between agents. In addition, all agents’ actions affect
               theglobalenvironmentdynamicsandtotalrewards. Asopposedtothehorizontalarrangementofindependent
               environments in HFRL, the vertical arrangement of observations in VFRL poses a more complex problem and
               is less studied in the existing literature.

               4.2. Horizontal federated reinforcement learning
               HFRL can be applied in scenarios in which the agents may be distributed geographically, but they face similar
               decision-making tasks and have very little interaction with each other in the observed environments. Each
               participating agent independently executes decision-making actions based on the current state of environment
               andobtainspositiveornegativerewardsforevaluation. Sincetheenvironmentexplored byoneagentis limited
               and each agent is unwilling to share the collected data, multiple agents try to train the policy and/or value
               model together to improve model performance and increase learning efficiency. The purpose of HFRL is to
               alleviate the sample-efficiency problem in RL, and help each agent quickly obtain the optimal policy which can
               maximize the expected cumulative reward for specific tasks, while considering privacy protection.

               In the HFRL problem, the environment, state space, and action space can replace the data set, feature space,
               and label space of basic FL. More formally, we assume that    agents {F    }   =1  can observe the environment
               {E    }  within their field of vision. G denotes the collection of all environments. The environment E    where
               the   -th agent is located has a similar model, i.e., state transition probability and reward function compared to
               other environments. Note that the environment E    is independent of the other environments, in that the state
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