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Author Instructions
2.4.6 Tables
Tables should be cited in numeric order and placed after the paragraph where it is first cited;
The table caption should be placed above the table and labeled sequentially (e.g., Table 1, Table 2);
Tables should be provided in editable form like DOC or DOCX format (picture is not allowed);
Abbreviations and symbols used in table should be explained in footnote;
Explanatory matter should also be placed in footnotes;
Permission for use of copyrighted materials from other sources, including re-published, adapted, modified, or partial tables
from the internet, must be obtained. It is authors’ responsibility to acquire the licenses, to follow any citation instruction
requested by third-party rights holders, and cover any supplementary charges.
2.4.7 Abbreviations
Abbreviations should be defined upon first appearance in the abstract, main text, and in figure or table captions and used
consistently thereafter. Non-standard abbreviations are not allowed unless they appear at least three times in the text.
Commonly-used abbreviations, such as DNA, RNA, ATP, etc., can be used directly without definition. Abbreviations in
titles and keywords should be avoided, except for the ones which are widely used.
2.4.8 Italics
General italic words like vs., et al., etc., in vivo, in vitro; t test, F test, U test; related coefficient as r, sample number as n,
and probability as P; names of genes; names of bacteria and biology species in Latin.
2.4.9 Units
SI Units should be used. Imperial, US customary and other units should be converted to SI units whenever possible. There
is a space between the number and the unit (i.e., 23 mL). Hour, minute, second should be written as h, min, s.
2.4.10 Numbers
Numbers appearing at the beginning of sentences should be expressed in English. When there are two or more numbers
in a paragraph, they should be expressed as Arabic numerals; when there is only one number in a paragraph, number < 10
should be expressed in English and number > 10 should be expressed as Arabic numerals. 12345678 should be written as
2.4.11 Equations
Equations should be editable and not appear in a picture format. Authors are advised to use either the Microsoft Equation
Editor or the MathType for display and inline equations.
Display equations should be numbered consecutively, using Arabic numbers in parentheses;
Inline equations should not be numbered, with the same/similar size font used for the main text.
2.4.12 Headings
In the main body of the paper, three different levels of headings may be used.
Level one headings: they should be in bold, and numbered using Arabic numbers, such as 1. INTRODUCTION, and 2.
METHODS, with all letters capitalized;
Level two headings: they should be in bold and numbered after the level one heading, such as 2.1 Statistical analyses, 2.2
..., 2.3..., etc., with the first letter capitalized;
Level three headings: they should be italicized, and numbered after the level two heading, such as 2.1.1 Data distributions,and
2.1.2 outliers and linear regression, with the first letter capitalized.
2.4.13 Text Layout
As the electronic submission will provide the basic material for typesetting, it is important to prepare papers in the general
editorial style of the journal.
The font is Times New Roman;
The font size is 12pt;
Single column, 1.5× line spacing;
Insert one line break (one Return) before the heading and paragraph, if the heading and paragraph are adjacent, insert a line
break before the heading only;
No special indentation;
Alignment is left end;
Insert consecutive line numbers;
For other details please refer to the Manuscript Templates.
2.5 Submission Link
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Intelligence & Robotics ¦ Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ October 2021 IX