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Page 195                             Yu et al. Intell Robot 2022;2:180-99

               Table 4. Typical robot fishes and their performance parameters
                        Maximum swimming speed                     Frequency (hertz)
                Reference  -1       -1       Minimum turning radius (m) Caudal    Swimming type Structural type
                        BL·s      m·s                                   Pectoral fins
                Ref. [19]  0.5(Ave)  0.23(Ave)  0.78(Ave)         NA    ---       BCF         Soft
                Ref. [20]  0.25   0.037      NA                   0.75  ---       BCF         Soft
                Ref. [24]  4      1.02       NA                   15    ---       BCF         Rigid-soft
                Ref. [22]  2.5    0.25       NA                   NA    ---       BCF         Rigid-soft
                Ref. [25]  0.87   0.31       NA                   2.9   ---       BCF         Rigid-soft
                Ref. [26]  0.45   0.052      NA                   ---   1         MPF         Soft
                Ref. [28]  0.94   0.43       ≈0                   ---   NA        MPF         Rigid-soft
                Ref. [27]  NA     0.013      NA                   ---   4         MPF         Rigid-soft
                Ref. [30]  0.69   0.064      0.085                NA    NA        BCF-MPF     Soft
                Ref. [29]  NA     0.062      0.234                NA    NA        BCF-MPF     Soft
                Ref. [32]  0.66   0.365      0.139                NA    NA        BCF-MPF     Rigid-soft

               Frequency (hertz) indicates the value at the maximum (or Ave) swimming speed. The ranking of the references is based on the magnitude of the
               maximum swimming speed (BL·s ) of the robot fish and is classified by swimming type and structural type. NA: Not available; Ave: average; BCF:
               body and/or caudal fin; MPF: median and/or paired fin.

               demonstrates the gap in swimming performance between robot fishes and fish, which is an urgent problem
               to be solved. We believe there are several approaches to solve this problem. The first approach is to
               investigate the effect of the vortices on the swimming efficiency of robot fishes. We believe that the high
               propulsion efficiency of fish is closely related to the vortices they generate when they swim. It is possible to
               improve the swimming efficiency of robot fishes by measuring the vortices generated when fish swim and
               reproducing them in robot fishes. The second approach is to narrow the gap between the drive systems of
               robot fishes and the muscles and skin of fish. Robot fishes simulate the swimming of fish by using multiple
               rigid connecting rods. Fish have a flexible body made up of muscles and skin that allows them to swim
               continuously and supplely. However, due to the rigidity of the connecting rod and the limitation of the
               number of rods, the motion of robot fishes exhibits a discrete and unnatural movement. Attempts can be
               made to flex the connecting rod to achieve continuous motion of robot fishes, thus improving
               maneuverability. The third approach is to further reduce the water resistance of robot fishes when
               swimming. Water resistance is currently decreased mostly by designing the shape of the robot fish to be
               streamlined. Fish, on the other hand, have fish scales and mucous on their bodies, which can considerably
               reduce resistance. However, the relevant design is rarely observed in the current robot fishes. The fourth
               approach is to conduct an in-depth investigation of robot fishes in the BCF-MPF propulsion mode. Robot
               fishes in BCF propulsion mode swim fast but have poor maneuverability. In contrast, robot fishes in MPF
               propulsion mode have great maneuverability but slow swimming speed. The BCF-MPF propulsion mode
               combines the above two propulsion modes, which can accurately imitate the swimming of fish. With a
               reasonable design, it can achieve high swimming speed and great maneuverability and has wider application
               prospects. This is a promising research direction. The final approach is to use sensor technology to create
               close connections between robot fishes and fish. Replicating the swimming process of fish can improve the
               swimming performance of robot fishes. Through the sensors, we obtain real-time feedback data (body
               deformation, etc.) when fish swim, further completing the monitoring of the entire swimming process.
               Finally, the collected data are applied to robot fishes. This allows robot fishes to make rhythmic movements
               similar to fish, improving their swimming performance.

               ● The majority of studies have only used one research method to investigate the swimming mechanism of
               robot fishes. Actually, each research method has its own strengths and weaknesses. Because of the
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