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Page 125 Bernardo et al. Intell Robot 2021;1(2):116-30 I
Figure 5. Reasoning using the ontology. (a) Query about the classes of objects that can be found in a class Hall. (b) Query about the
instance(s) connected to instance of class Bathroom. (c) Query on the instance(s) that are part of the class Bedroom. (d) Query about
the instance(s) that are part of class BedRoom and that are on the left of instances of class Chair. (e) Query to discover the location (room
where the agent is in) based on what the agent observes.
• Classes of Objects that can be found in a certain instance of room (e.g., in the Hall in Figure 5a).
• Connectivity relationship between instances of the Rooms class referring to an environment (Figure 5b).
• Instance of objects present in an instance of room (Figure 5c).
• Recognize which instance(s) of the Objects class belong to a particular instance of a Rooms class and are to
the left of an instance of the Chair class (Figure 5d).
• Recognize which instance of the Rooms class belong to a particular instance(s) of a Objects class (e.g., the
robotic agent can locate itself (know in which room it is), based on the objects it observes) (Figure 5e).
Through the ontology developed, one or more agents are able to locate themselves more efficiently in the
environment. When the agent is lost, it can identify the room where it is, based on the objects it observes
(Figure 5e). Observing Figure 3, if the robot recognizes a Bed, a BedsideTable, and a Chair_1, it knows that it
is in a Bedroom. The robotic agent will be able to perform a search in an optimized way for an object. It does
not need to perform a massive search for all the rooms; e.g., it knows which are the rooms in which there is a
higher probability of finding a fridge, teapot, etc.
4.2. Validation the reasoning system with MongoDB
To test the system based on the MongoDB database, a problem was outlined, for the agent to execute/solve
(Figure 6). An AMMR is used, composed of a mobile base and a robotic arm of the Universal Robotics UR3,
equipped with a RobotIQ 2f-140 gripper, the whole system runs with the middleware: ROS (Figure 7a). Fig-
ure 7b depicts the layout of a simple home environment, an apartment for elderly people, created under the
EUROAGE project [52] , which is in the robotics laboratory of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco.
Initial conditions were established, such as the location of the AMMR (dock), the world coordinate at which
the robot arm is located (p0), and the location of the object in the environment (LivingRoom), as well as its