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Page 65                             Li et al. Intell Robot 2021;1(1):58-83  I

               Figure 5. Examples of a nonholonomic car-like robot and a manipulator robot. A: robot motion when the door is opened [15] ; B: simple planar
               robot avoiding obstacles [13] .

               Q-learning algorithm, which can reduce the effect of the reward function on the convergence speed.

               Some researchers pointed out that if the planned path is too close to the obstacles, it is dangerous for robot nav-
               igation. A dynamic risk level was incorporated to the shunting neurodynamics model to reduce the probability
               of collision in the dynamic obstacle avoidance task [37] . In addition, a novel 3-D neural dynamic model was
               proposed and expected to obtain the safety-enhanced trajectory in the work space considering of minimum
               sweeping area [38] . A safety consideration path planning can be implemented by setting a constant value    to
               inhibitory inputs in Equation (2). The safety consideration shunting equation is obtained by [39,40]
                                             (                 )          (                    )
                                                    ∑                            ∑
                             = −        + (   −       ) [      ] +          [      ]  +  − (   +       ) [      ] +          [      −   ]  −  (10)
                                                       =1                          =1
               where parameter    is the threshold of the inhibitory lateral neural connections. In Equation (2), the inhibitory
               input    is only from the obstacles. However, in the safety consideration model, the inhibitory input    is
               consisted of two parts: [      ] and  ∑             [      −   ] .The  ∑             [      −   ] term guarantees that the negative
                                               =1                 =1
               activity propagates to a small region due to the threshold    of the inhibitory lateral neural connections. Thus,
               there is a small negative neural activity region surrounding the obstacles, and the robot is able to keep a safe
               distance from obstacles to avoid possible collisions.
               Many variants of the bio-inspired neurodynamics models have been developed to deal with different situa-
               tions. The additive model generates the real-time collision-free robot paths under most conditions [13] . Even
               the computation of the additive model is simpler, the real-time performance of the additive model could be
               saturated in many situations. A similar neural network model was proposed by Glasius et al. [41]  for real-time
               trajectory generation. Even Glasius’s model had limitations with fast dynamic systems, Glasius bio-inspired
               neural network models have been used in underwater robots [42–44] . Inspired by the bio-inspired neural net-
               work model, a distance-propagating dynamic system was proposed that can efficiently propagate the distance
               instead of the neural activity from the target to the entire robot work space [45] . After that, Willms and Yang
               designed the safety margins around obstacles. The robots not only avoid obstacles but also keep a safe distance
               between the obstacles [46] . Based on Willms and Yang’s previous work, a shortest path neural networks model
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