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Page 64        Harib et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(1):37-71

 Table 6. DRL for robotic manipulation categorized by state and action space, algorithm and reward design

 State space  Action space  Algorithm type        Reward shaping

 Levine et al. [176]  (2015)
 Joint angles and velocities  Joint torque  Trajectory optimization algorithm.  A penalty term is shaped as the sum of a
                                                  quadratic term, and a Lorentzian ρ-function
                                                  The first term encourages speed while the
                                                  second term encourages precision
                                                  In addition, a quadratic penalty is applied to
                                                  joint velocities and torques to smooth and
                                                  control motions
 Andrychowicz et al. [180]  (2017)
 Joint angles   4D action space. The first three are position   HER combined with any off-policy   Binary and sparse rewards
 & velocities + Objects’ positions, rotations & velocities  related, the last one specifies the desired   RL algorithm, like DDPG
 Vecerik et al. [178]  (2018)

 Joint position and velocity, joint torque, and global pose of the socket and   Joint velocities  An off-policy RL algorithm, called   First is a sparse reward function: +10 if the plug
 plug             DDPGfD, is based on imitation   is within a small tolerance of the goal
                  learning                        The second reward is shaped by two terms: a
                                                  reaching phase for alignment and an inserting
                                                  phase to reach the goal

 Gupta et al. [181]  (2021)
 Depends on the agent morphology and include joint angles, angular   Chosen via a stochastic policy determined by   DERL, which is a simple   Two reward components. First relative to
 velocities, readings of a velocimeter, accelerometer, and a gyroscope   the parameters of a deep NN that are learned   computational   velocity and second relative to actuators’ input
 positioned at the head, and touch sensors attached to the limbs and head  via proximal policy optimization (PPO)  framework operating by mimicking
                  the intertwined
                  processes of Darwinian evolution

 DRL: Deep reinforcement learning; HER: Hindsight Experience Replay; DDPG: Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient.

 techniques, or to merge the analytical and AI approaches such that some functions are done analytically and the remainder are performed using AI techniques.

 We then briefly presented RL and DRL before we surveyed the previous work implementing both techniques in robot manipulation specifically. From this
 overview, it was clear that RL and DRL for robotics are not ready to offer a straightforward task yet. Although both techniques have evolved rapidly over the

 past few years with a wide range of applications, there is still a huge gap between theory and practice. The discrepancy between what we intend to solve and
 what we solve in practice, and accurately explaining the differences and how this affects our solution, we believe, is one of the core difficulties that plague the
 RL/DRL research community.
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