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Page 8 of 16                                               Chen et al. Hepatoma Res 2018;4:72  I

                Trevisani et al. [25] ,  Retro-  US + AFP   1988-1998 370 vs.   Europe   Cirrhosis:   6 months vs.   NA  Median   Curative 41
                2002        spec-  every 6-12     451    (Italy)  all    12 months vs.    survival   vs. 27
                            tive  months                         6 months   NS:           (months,   (P < 0.001)
                                                                vs. 12   Non-advanced:    lead-time
                                                                 months vs.  68.7 vs. 60.4   corrected):
                                                                 NS     vs. 31            30 vs. 14
                                                                 HBV: 13.6   Advanced: 31.3
                                                                vs. 20.4 vs.  vs. 39.6 vs. 69  3-year: 48
                                                                 20.5                     vs. 23
                                                                 HCV: 66.6
                                                                vs. 62.5 vs.
                                                                 Alcohol: 8.5
                                                                vs. 7.2 vs.
                Chen et al. [76] ,   Retro-  Clinical mar- 1991- 1998 4385 vs.  Asia (Tai- Cirrhosis: 7  NA  HR: 0.76   NA  NA
                2002        spec-  kers  + US     458    wan)   vs. un-            (0.38-1.52)
                            tive                                 known
                                                                 HBV: 65.9
                                                                vs. 67.0
                                                                 HCV: 18.2
                                                                vs. 14.9
                Yuen et al. [60] ,   Retro-  AFP +/- US  1995-1997 142 vs.   Asia (HK) Cirrhosis:   Tumor < 3 cm:  NA  Median   Curative
                2000        spec-                 164            85.2 vs.   40.1 vs. 4.9   survival   resection:
                            tive                                 68.9    Tumor < 5 cm:    (months):  26.8 vs. 7.9
                                                                 (P =    61.3 vs. 11.6    22 vs. 5  (P < 0.001)
                                                                 0.0013)   Multifocal:            TACE: 45.1
                                                                         32.4 vs. 50              vs. 32.3
                                                                         PV invasion:             (P = 0.03)
                                                                         9.2 vs. 38.4
                                                                         (P < 0.001)
                Tumor stages per Liver cancer study group of Japan guidelines, based on: (1) tumor diameter ≤ 20 mm; (2) single tumor; (3) no vascular
               invasion; tumors that met three, two, one or none of the conditions were classified as stage I, II, III, or IV respectively;  Hazard ratio in
               routine surveillance (≥ 1 US surveillance annually) vs. inconsistent surveillance compared to no surveillance;  comparison groups: routine
               surveillance vs. inconsistent surveillance vs. no surveillance;  comparison groups: surveillance 1-6 months vs. 7-12 months vs. 13-24
               months vs. 25-36 months vs. never screened;  comparison groups: HCC diagnosed from surveillance 6-12 months vs. incidental diagnosis
               vs. symptomatic diagnosis;  6 markers: (1) positive hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg); (2) positive antibody for hepatitis C (anti-HCV);
               (3) alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) ≥ 20 ng/mL; (4) aspartate transaminase (AST) ≥ 40 IU/L; (5) alanine transaminase (ALT) ≥ 45 IU/L; and (6)
               family history of HCC. Adj HR: adjusted hazard ratio; BCLC: Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging; CEUS: contrast-enhanced ultrasound;
               CT: computed tomography; DCP: des-gamma-carboxyprothrombin; dx: diagnosis; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma;
               HCV: hepatitic C virus; HK: Hong Kong; HR: hazard ratio; NA: not available; LTx: liver transplant; OR: odds ratio; RFA: radiofrequency
               ablation; PEI: percutaneous ethanol injection; S: surveillance group; NS: no surveillance group; TACE: transarterial chemoembolization;
               TNM: tumor, node, metastasis staging system of the American Joint Committee on Cancer; Tx: treatment; Unadj: unadjusted; US:
               ficulty of conducting RCTs on HCC surveillance among cirrhotic patients. Hence, Taylor et al.  used the
               Markov model to simulate a HCC surveillance program on cirrhotic patients, and to study the benefit and
               harm of surveillance. A small absolute mortality benefit was found in the HCC surveillance group, with a
               number needed to screen of 77. After a focal lesion was identified, further investigations were carried out
               based on EASL-EORTC (European Association for the Study of the Liver and the European Organization
               for Research and Treatment of Cancer) recall policy . However, many more patients experienced additional
               unnecessary imaging or biopsy due to false positive results, with a number needed to harm of 7 only [Table 1].

               Cohort studies
               There are a large number of cohort studies on the efficacy of HCC surveillance in our literature search over
               the past 20 years. We included twenty-four retrospective cohort studies that compared survival and/or mor-
               tality of surveillance-detected HCC to incidentally diagnosed HCC [Table 2]. In general, the patients in the
               surveillance group have chronic viral hepatitis [hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV)] infec-
               tion or cirrhosis of any etiology [Table 2].

               Patients in the surveillance group had earlier stages of HCC at diagnosis: 22.8%-80.3% of surveillance group
               patients had Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging (BCLC) stage 0/A disease. Not surprisingly, more patients
               in the surveillance compared to non-surveillance group underwent curative HCC treatment [surgical resec-
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