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Correnti et al. Hepatoma Res 2018;4:69 I Page 3 of 15
According to this model, CSCs represent a fraction of cells resident in the tumor endowed with stem-
like features like the ability to self-renew and differentiate into heterogeneous tumor cell progeny as well
as with the unresponsiveness to treatments [52,53] , and represent the unit of selection within the tumor,
while any other bulk tumor cells lead to clonal exhaustion . More importantly, CSCs are thought to be
a unique cellular subset responsible not only for tumor initiation but also for tumor growth maintenance,
tumor recurrence and metastasis, showing intrinsic resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs compared to
bulk tumor cells [52,54-56] . In this view, the existence of CSCs represent an entirely distinct dimension of
intra-tumoral heterogeneity .
Interestingly, a third model has been recently proposed to explain the intra-tumor heterogeneity, the
so-called “CSC plasticity model”. According with this theory, tumor cells represent a very plastic and
dynamic population, with the ability to continuously shift between non-CSC and CSC states, in response
to intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli. In this view, the stochastic and the CSC model not only are not mutually
exclusive, but can be integrated with each other, adding a new level of tumor complexity .
The idea that tumor initiation and progression are driven by stem-like cells is still a subject of debate,
since the first time it was proposed until today. While CSC existence has been confirmed in a growing
range of hematologic and solid tumors (e.g., acute myeloid leukemia, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, lung
cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, head and neck cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, melanoma, and
glioblastoma), no agreement has yet been reached regarding the origin of putative CSCs . Some reports
have indicated that CSCs can originate from normal resident stem cells, due to their inherent self-renewal
capacity and long life span that can allow them to accumulate oncogenic and epigenetic modifications,
resulting in malignant transformation. Alternatively, CSCs may originate from more committed
progenitor cells , or even from differentiated non-CSCs that re-acquire stem cell properties by de-
differentiation or reprogramming processes [61,62] . Thus, tumor hierarchical organization does not imply
that CSCs originated from normal stem cells, and the CSC model does not address the cell-of-origin,
that represents the normal cell that acquires the first cancer-promoting mutation(s) and is not necessarily
related to the CSC concept [63,64] . These considerations interconnect with the debate on the true nature of the
cell-of-origin of PLC. While it has already been accepted that HCC progression is driven by CSCs [22,65-69] , very
few studies have indicated the presence of CSCs in CCA (reviewed in ).
Many of the identified CSC regulatory pathways are also known to be involved in normal stem-cell
maintenance as well as in self-renewal potential and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells [72-77] . Here, we
will briefly review the key regulatory pathways that support stemness features in the context of PLC [Figure 1].
Wingless-type MMTV integration site family member (Wnt)/β-catenin pathway
Disruption of Wnt/β-catenin signaling results from both genetic and epigenetic changes in many tumors,
including PLC. Wnt/β-catenin canonical signaling pathway appears to be involved in stemness main-
tenance in both embryonic and cancer stem cells [78,79] . Extracellular Wnt ligand binds to Frizzled cell
surface receptors leading to increased cytoplasmic β-catenin levels, with the following induction of Wnt
key target genes [31,55,80] . Notably, β-catenin is expressed in 58% of CCA, mutated in 8% of cases and it is
considered an early determinant in CCA-progression . In up to 90% of HCCs, the Wnt receptor FZD-7 is
overexpressed, and 20%-40% of HCCs have unusual cytoplasmic and nuclear accumulation of β-catenin .
Moreover, in 25% of HCCs, β-catenin and Axin1 mutations are observed [69,81] .
Notch signaling pathway
The Notch canonical signaling plays an important role in cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis,
as well as in stem cell and HPCs maintenance [31,71,82,83] . Moreover, Notch signaling is implicated in bile duct
morphogenesis (reviewed in ), and dysfunction in this pathway may result in reduced detoxification,