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Page 6 of 10 Papaluca et al. Hepatoma Res 2018;4:64 I
Figure 1. Australian HCV infections in various cascade stages; projected outcomes 2016-2030 under different scenarios, reproduced with
permission from Scott et al. . HCV: hepatitis C virus; OST: opiate substitution therapy; PWID: people who inject drugs; APRI: aspartate
aminotransferase to platelet ratio index
Modelling specifically pertaining to the prison system in England demonstrated that in the era of HCV
DAA regimens of 8-12 weeks duration for all genotypes, by doubling HCV testing rates on prison receptions
(currently at 6% with current UK opt in screening practices) and ensuring 10% of prisoners referred with HCV
are treated, prison based DAA treatments are likely to be 99% cost effective under a £13,000 WTP per QALY
gained .
There are limited data describing HCV treatment in the prison setting, particularly in the DAA era [Table 2] [52-61] .