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Yilmaz et al. Hepatoma Res 2018;4:46  I                                            Page 5 of 10

               There is also a risk stratification model for non-cirrhotic HCCs. PAGE-B (platelet, age, gender, hepatitis B)
               that is developed for HBV is recommended for non-cirrhotic HBV patients by EASL-2018 [2,24,41] .

               Recommendations from guidelines are as follows.

               From North America
               AASLD-2017: there is no proposal for non-cirrhotic patients in the current guideline. The previous AASLD
               guideline (2010), described the high-risk HBV carriers for HCC [Table 2] and the recommendation for
               screening was US in every 6 months [26,27] .

               CASL-2014: identical with AASLD-2010, the CASL recommends HCC screening for the following high-risk
               groups by using US in every 6 months: Asian male hepatitis B carriers over the age of 40, Asian female hepa-
               titis B carriers over the age of 50, hepatitis B carriers with a family history of HCC, Africans and African
               Americans with hepatitis B .

               From Asia
               APASL-2017: recommendations for non-cirrhotic group similar to CASL. Differently, they recommend
               screening in Africans older than 20 years old. The surveillance strategy is combination of US and serum
               AFP, every 6 months, recommending that the cut-off value of AFP can be set at a lower value in a population
               with hepatitis virus suppression or eradication .

               CHINESE-2017: recommendations for non-cirrhotic-chronic liver diseases (any etiology) are AFP with ul-
               trasonography in every 6 months for surveillance .
               JSH-2015 and JSH-LCSG 2014: for the high- risk non-cirrhotic (patients with chronic hepatitis B, chronic
               hepatitis C), they recommend an US examination along with measurement of three tumour markers (AFP/
               PIVKA-II, AFP-L3) in every 6 months [Table 2] [32-34] .

               From Europe
               EASL-2018: categorized the non-cirrhotic HBV patients at intermediate or high risk of HCC according to
               PAGE-B classes for Caucasian subjects, respectively 10-17 and ≥ 18 score points [2,41] .

               To this group and non-cirrhotic F3 patients, regardless of etiology screening based on an individual, risk as-
               sessment is recommended for patients in the low HCC risk class (PAGE-B score ≤ 9), who do not reach the
               0.2%/year threshold for starting screening. The PAGE-B score has not yet been validated in Asia due to Cau-
               casian subjects. They recommend an US examination in every 6 months .
               The consensus document from the AEEH, SEOM, SERAM, SERVEI and SETH -2016 has not specified the
               screening for non-cirrhotic subjects . However, SEOM-2015 recommended screening for high-risk HBV
               chronic hepatitis patients (higher viral load, viral genotype or Asian or African ancestry) and non-cirrhotic
               patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced fibrosis (F3) .

               ESMO-ESDO-2012 recommendations are similar to SEOM-2015, which suggests to non-cirrhotic HBV car-
               riers with high viral load (> 10.000 copy/mL) and non-cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C and ad-
               vanced cirrhosis .
               This section was summarized in Table 2.
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