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Chok                                                                                                                                                                           Surgical strategy for huge/advanced HCC

           DOWNSTAGING                                        treatment  modalities  are still evolving.  ALPPS  will
                                                              continue to be developed and more long-term results
           Both TACE and radioembolization are safe and effective   will be available in the near future.
           in highly selected patients. Radioembolization may
           confer a survival benefit over sorafenib on advanced-  DECLARATIONS
           stage patients.  Radioembolization is  preferable to
           TACE for advanced-stage patients,  especially those   Authors’ contributions
           with  macrovascular  invasion,  since TACE  might   K.S.H. Chok contributed solely to this paper.
           induce liver failure. [53]   However,  the effectiveness of
           downstaging is not conclusive, as most of the cases   Financial support and sponsorship
           reported were limited by poor underlying liver function.  None.

           EXTRAHEPATIC METASTASIS                            Conflicts of interest

           Lung is the most common site for extrahepatic      The author has no conflicts of interest with regard to
           metastasis of HCC.  [54]  A previous study by our   the study or its publication.
           center reported that metastasectomy conferred a
           survival benefit on HCC patients who developed lung   Patient consent
           metastasis after hepatectomy. [55]  Overall survival   Not applicable.
           was  compared  in  patients  with  resectable  and
           unresectable lung metastases and in two periods (Era   Ethics approval
           1: 1989-1995, Era 2: 1996-2010). The median survival   Not applicable.
           duration of patients with resectable and unresectable
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