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the protective effect of coffee was reliable across different   invasion and defeating sister chromatid interactions in human
            subgroups at increased HCC risk.                   lymphocytes.  Toad skin secretion bufalin (Bufotoxin) could
                                                               induce apoptosis in human-leukaemia cells modifying the
            After the publication of these meta-analyses, other studies   expression of some apoptotic genes.  Other toad skin
            regarding the protective role of coffee in the HCC setting   secretions such as 3-formyloxyresibufogenin, 19-oxobufalin,
            have been published. The first one, was a multicentre   19-oxodesacetylcinobufagin,  6-hydroxycinobufagin  and
            study by Bamia et al.  including 201 HCC cases. Authors   1-hydroxybufalin seem to have inhibitory properties on KB,
            demonstrated that coffee intake was associated with a   human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60) and MH-60
            decrease of 72% in HCC risk. Setiawan et al.  conducted a   cancer cell lines.  Mylabris phaleratais (Mylabris) can lead to
            large population-based prospective cohort study (451 HCC)   the apoptosis of tumor cells  while Atractylodes might bring
            showing that drinkers of 2-3 cups/day respect to abstinent   apoptosis and have cytotoxic effects against tumor cells.
            subjects,  had  a  38%  of  HCC  risk  reduction.  In  addiction,   Bupleurum  falcatum shows a significant anti-cell adhesive
            patients drinking 4 or more cups/day had a 41% of risk   activity on solid tumor cells  and  Curcuma longa has a
            drop. Feld  et al.  again suggested that regular ingestion   relevant immunostimulatory activity. [44]
            of coffee in patients  with chronic liver disease can  make
            slower  the  progression  of  liver  fibrosis,  preventing  both   Concerning the prevention ability of herbal products, a
            cirrhosis and HCC. Petrick  et al.  developed  the Liver   Japanese herb called Sho-saiko-to has to be cited since it is
            Cancer Pooling Project based on North-American  data   reported in the Asian-Pacific guidelines.  In a randomized
            and including 1,212,893 patients (with 860 HCC cases). A   controlled trial (RCT),  Sho-saiko-to was shown to improve
            high caffeinated coffee consumption (≥ 4 cups/day) was   liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis. Also Oka et
            associated with a lower risk of HCC in comparison to a   al.  reported that Sho-saiko-to may prevent the development
            lesser intake. In a Japanese cohort-study  including 258   of HCC in cirrhotic subjects. Successive studies with liver cell
            cases, an inverse association was reported between coffee   lines confirmed the above-cited suggestions. [47,48]
            and mortality associated to HCC. Interestingly, the hazard
            of HCC-related death for abstinent patients was two-fold   In 2013, Zhai et al.  compared in a RCT the efficacy of TCM and
            higher compared to coffee drinkers, and this was true also   TACE in preventing recurrence of small HCC after resection.
            for few consumption (≥ 1 cup/day).                 Authors tested TACE or TCM as adjuvant therapy for patients
                                                               who underwent surgery without evidence of recidivism. One
            TCM                                                hundred and eighty-eight patients received Cinobufacini
                                                               injection (extract from Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor) and Jiedu
            Many authors proposed TCM-based therapy alone or   Granule (a compound herbal medicine). The other patients
            in combination with  standard  loco-regional therapies   (191 cases) were assigned to the TACE subgroup. TCM was
            for  prevention  or  treatment  of  HCC  [Table  1].  The  main   associated with decreased HCC recurrence after resection in
            TCM  products  include  combinations  of  different  herbal   comparison to TACE, with similar adverse events.
            medicines or animal/insect extracts. Astragalus shows
            immunomodulatory  properties  and  anti-tumor  activity.   Regarding the use of TCM alone as therapeutic tool, Tian
            It seems to reinforce Lymphokine Activated Killer cell   et al.  demonstrated that it may be effective in subjects
            activity  restoring  the  T-cell  function  suppressed  in  cancer   affected by middle/late stage HCC. In this RCT, 97 patients
            patients. [35,36]  The Panax Ginseng has inhibitory effects on   were treated with Oleum fructus bruceas, Ganji Decoction and
            cell proliferation and angiogenesis  restraining tumor cell   external application of Ailitong, and 48 patients received
            Table 1. The main natural products from Traditional Chinese Medicine
            Product               Type      Main property/ies  Studies in humans  RCTs  Meta-analysis  Ref.
            Astragalus            Herb        Restores T-cell     Yes         Yes         Yes       [35,36,53,55]
            Panax                 Herb      Anti-proliferation and  Yes       Yes         Yes        [37,38,55]
            Ginseng                           angiogenesis
            Bufotoxin        Toad skin secretion  Induces apoptosis   Yes     Yes         Yes         [39,55]
            Atractylodes          Herb       Induces apoptosis    No          No           No          [42]
            Bubleurum falcatum    Herb      Anti-adhesive activity  No        No           No          [43]
            Curcuma longa         Herb      Immunostimulatory     No          No           No          [44]
            Cinobufacini      Bufo skin estract  Induces apoptosis  Yes       Yes          No          [49]
            Jiedu                 Herb         Unreported         Yes         Yes          No          [49]
            Sho-saiko-to*         Herb      Decreases collagene   Yes         Yes          No         [7,45-48]
                                                 type 1
            Bruceas            Fruit estract   Unreported         Yes         Yes          No          [50]
            Ganji                 Herb         Unreported         Yes         Yes          No          [50]
            Ailitong              Herb         Unreported         Yes         Yes          No          [50]
            Kanglaite             Herb      Immunomodulation      Yes         Yes         Yes          [56]
            *It comes from the Japanese Tradition

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