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development in three meta-analyses, but it appeared to   incidence is significantly higher among those who do not
           be unchanged in another three. The effect is more evident   achieve virologic response than in those who do, with
           in Asian than in European studies possibly related to the   a significant treatment effect observed in the subgroup
           lower incidence of HCC in European patients. [27-32]  These   of cirrhotic patients. [35-38]  This  observation provides
           controversial results  can be  explained by  extrapolating   further evidence that  older nucleos(t)ide analogs are
           HCC chemoprevention through the retrospective scrutiny   not an optimal first-line treatment for chronic hepatitis
           of the studies that were originally designed to assess the   B, as they are associated with very high rates of drug
           antiviral efficacy of IFN therapy. The reanalysis of these   resistance during the long-term treatment, especially in
           studies was biased by the lack of a separate analysis of the   cirrhotic patients. The nucleos(t)ide analogs entecavir and
           treatment  outcomes  between  sustained  responders and   tenofovir, currently recommended as first-line options for
           non-responders, who represent a majority of all patients   the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, maintain long-term
           with CHB receiving IFN.  Therefore, proving a direct anti-  viral suppression in over 95% of patients and improve liver
           HCC  effect of IFN-based therapy with  clinical trial data   histology. [39-41]  Treatment  with entecavir and tenofovir
           beyond what is currently available will be difficult if not   can  reduce the  risk  of HCC. [42-45]   The  treatment  effect
           impossible. However, IFN still has a role as an effective   was  significant  in  patients  with  cirrhosis,   whereas  a
           antiviral for HBV, with finite treatment duration and the   significant  HCC risk reduction in  non-cirrhotic patients
           potential for a durable effect. Theoretically, the promotion   was noticeable only in some reports. [45,46]
           of immune control of viral replication by IFN may have a
           more solid rationale in terms of HCC prevention unless   Finally, there is an increasing evidence to suggest that
           HBV DNA levels have a direct carcinogenic effect, in which   antiviral therapy may reduce recurrence and also improve
           case nucleos(t)ide analog therapy is likely more effective. [33]  survival on post-hepatectomy  outcome for hepatitis
                                                              B-related  HCC.  A  registry-based  study  from  Taiwan
           The role of nucleos(t)ide analog therapies in preventing   showed  that  of  4569 HBV-related  HCC  patients  who
           HCC has already been widely investigated.  The first   received curative liver resections, patients treated with
           data date back to the first antiviral agent chronically   lamivudine,  telbivudine,  or entecavir had a significantly
           administered  to  reduce viral  load in  patients  with  the   lower risk of HCC recurrence as compared to those who
           chronic HBV-related liver disease.  In 2004, a large  RCT   received no antiviral therapy (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% CI:
           conducted in Asia in patients with chronic hepatitis B, who   0.55-0.81, P < 0.001).  Another study by Chan et al.
           had histologically confirmed cirrhosis or advanced fibrosis,   demonstrated that antiviral  therapy with  lamivudine  or
           proved that lamivudine was effective in reducing rates of   entecavir improves the prognosis of HBV-related HCC: The
           progression of disease and  hepatic  decompensation as   1-, 3-, and 5-year overall survival rates in the treatment
           well as the incidence of HCC.  Further studies confirmed   group were  88.1%, 79.1%, and 71.2%, respectively; in
           these results. Papatheodoridis et al.  showed that long-  the control group, 76.5%, 47.5%, and 43.5%, respectively
           term  therapy with  nucleos(t)ide  analogs (NUCs) starting   (P  =  0.005). Huang  et al.   in  a  recent  RCT  showed
           with lamivudine monotherapy did not eliminate the HCC   that, in patients with hepatitis B-related HCC treated
           risk in HBeAg-negative patients with CHB, especially   with adefovir, antiviral therapy leads to a reduction of
           those with pre-existing cirrhosis. A recent meta-analysis   late  HCC  recurrence  and significantly  improves  overall
           reported that lamivudine treatment significantly reduced   survival after hepatic resection when compared with no
           the incidence of HCC when compared with no treatment.   treatment. IFN treatment as tertiary prevention of HBV-
           However, HCC still develops at a rate of 1.3 per 100   HCC-related recurrence remains controversial according
           patient years in CHB patients receiving an oral antiviral   to the findings  in systematic  reviews.  Furthermore,  the
           agent.  Recent paper on a nationwide study in Greece   use of IFN is burdened by several side effects, including
           indicates that the HCC risk remains increased in entecavir-  liver decompensation.
           treated HBeAg-negative  CHB patients  with  cirrhosis,  in
           particular, of older age, at least for the first 5 years. The   HCV
           HCC risk does not seem to be significantly reduced with
           entecavir when compared with antiviral therapy starting   Increasing incidence of HCC in many countries, especially
           with lamivudine.  This finding highlights  the need for   in the United States, is the result of an increase in the
           continued HCC surveillance, particularly in CHB patients   prevalence of HCV infection. HCV has been the dominant
           with inadequate viral suppression, older age, and cirrhosis.  viral cause of HCC  in  North America,  some  Western
                                                              countries,  and Japan.   The  incidence  of  HCC  in  HCV-
           Maintenance of virological remission is also important for   infected patients amounts to 1-3% at 30 years after the
           the reduction of HCC risk. Among treated patients, HCC   infection. [50]

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