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            ranging in maximum  diameter from 100  to 900  μm.   minimal embolization.   TACI with maximally selective
            SAP HepaSphere microspheres (BioSphere Medical)  are   catheterization and highly concentrated  chemotherapy
            biocompatible,  hydrophilic (absorbent),  non-resorbable,   preparations minimizes  the risk of hepatocellular
            and acrylic copolymer microspheres designed for hepatic   ischemic  and cytotoxic complications and maximizes
            arterial embolization with an ability to absorb fluids at up   chemotherapy delivered to tumor tissue. TACI with super
            to 64 times their dry state volume. The expansion rate is   selective  catheterization,  although labor intensive,  has
            dependent on the ionic concentration of its surrounding   been  shown to be  safe.  The eligibility  criteria  for TACI
            media. The size of dry particles ranges between 50 and   are similar to those for TACE. Portal venous thrombosis
            200 μm, corresponding to an expanded size range of 200   is  not  a  contraindication. Caution  should be  exercised
            and 800 μm. The SAP microspheres can be loaded with   to avoid injecting large  volumes  (> 10 mL)  of lipiodol.
            doxorubicin or cisplatin for drug delivery during TACE.    Moreover, patients with poor hepatic function and tumors
            Initial  in vitro  and  in vivo  studies  showed encouraging   with diameters of > 9 cm have a high risk of irreversible
            results, and these microspheres now have CE mark approval   hepatic failure. A recent retrospective study by Kim et al.
            for TACE of HCC in combination with doxorubicin.   compared clinical outcomes of patients treated with TACE
                                                               (n = 49) vs. TACI (n = 61) in HCC patients with major portal
            DEB-TACE appears to be a relatively safe procedure, with   vein occlusion. The morbidity  rate was similar  for both
            few long-term serious complications associated with its   TACE (6.1%) and TACI (6.5%) patients, and complications
            administration. Although symptoms of post-embolization   were adequately managed by medical treatment. Median
            syndromes, such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal   survival for TACE was longer than for TACI (14.9 vs. 4.4
            pain appears to occur in most patients, these symptoms   months, respectively, P < 0.001).
            are  associated  with  short  hospital  stays  averaging  2.3
            days among publications, which is significantly lower   Radiotherapy-based therapies
            than  conventional TACE  procedures.  The  most  frequent   Yttrium-90 radioembolization
            major complication associated with this procedure is liver   Transarterial radioembolization (TARE) with intra-arterial
            abscess,  which  occurred  in  approximately  0.75-1.58%  of   injection  of  yttrium-90  microspheres  (Y-90) is  another
            publications. Other complications are infrequent, although   form of hepatic arterial therapy that is available as glass
            some  are quite severe.  Overall mortality  is  potentially   (TheraSpheres; Theragenics Corp., Ottawa, Canada)  or
            lower  than  the  reported  values  (2.06-4.74%)  because   resin (Sirtex; Sirtex Medical, Wilmington, MA, USA) and
            reported mortality rates include both procedure-related   can be delivered to single or multiple segments based on
            causes of death, such as sepsis and hepatic failure, and   selective  arterial  cannulation.  Its  small  size  (20-60  μm)
            death secondary to progressive disease, cardiovascular   results  in  preferential  trapping  in  the  tumor  capillary
            disease, pulmonary embolism, and other causes. Patients   bed.  These  spheres  can  safely  deliver  up  to  150  Gy  of
            selected for most of these studies are predisposed to co-  β  radiation to induce tumor necrosis by radiation and
            morbidities as a result of their diminished hepatic function   microscopic embolization once they obstruct the tumor
            and potentially other age or lifestyle-related conditions,   capillary bed. This limits radiation exposure to adjacent
            which should be taken into consideration. [30]     healthy  tissue,  given  its  half-life  of  62  h  and  radius  of
                                                               action of up to 1 cm.  Patient selection requires pre-
            The current  results  show that DEB-TACE  produces   treatment procedures, including an angiogram to perform
            beneficial tumor response and has exceptionally low   prophylactic  embolization in which variant anatomy
            complication rates.  The technique  has the  potential to   is identified to avoid non-target delivery of Y-90, and a
            become  an effective  alternative  therapy or palliative   macro-aggregated albumin scan to confirm that hepatic
            measure in the treatment  of HCC, but both delivery   artery-to-lung  shunting  is  <  16%  to  prevent  lung
            and data collection must  be  standardized in  order to   injury.  An advantage of this treatment over TACE is its
            clarify efficacy. It is a safe alternative for the treatment   applicability in patients with portal vein thrombosis and
            of unresectable HCC but is unproven as an adjunctive   potential complications caused by non-target  delivery
            treatment for other standard therapies such as resection   of Y-90 include gastrointestinal ulcerations, pancreatitis,
            and RFA. Further investigation is essential to better define   pneumonitis, and cholecystitis.  Salem et al.  recently
            its role as an adjunct in treating HCC.            published  a  comprehensive  study  on  the  long-term
                                                               outcomes after intra-arterial radiotherapy for unresectable
            Transcatheter arterial chemoinfusion               HCC. In this study, 291 patients with HCC were treated with
            Transcatheter arterial chemoinfusion (TACI) is a catheter-  Y-90 as part of a single-center, prospective, longitudinal
            based intra-arterial therapy that traps high concentrations   cohort study. Response rate and time to progression were
            of chemotherapeutic agents in tumor tissues followed by   determined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and

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