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DNA has been shown to be a predictor of HCC development   Unfortunately ultrasound is highly operator dependent with
          synergistic with inflammation.  Viral DNA replication and   a variable sensitivity of 30-70%, and most importantly < 20%
          hepatitis B core antigen expression are halted in HBV HCC, while   of patients compliant with biannual exams. [36-38]
          20% of cells persist production of hepatitis B surface antigen
          triggering an immune responses and the secretion of cytokines   DIAGNOSIS
          tumor necrosis factor-, interferon and interleukin-2, which can
          down regulate the accumulation of HBV RNAs. [18-20]  Hepatocellular carcinoma is diagnosed by contrast-enhanced
                                                              computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
          Development of HCV-related HCC is a multistep process   imaging (MRI). Early arterial phase enhancement is seen
          including the up regulation of inflammatory cytokines and   in the tumor followed by venous phase dropout. These
          induction of oxidative stress from chronic hepatitis, fibrosis,   characteristics carry result in 90% sensitivity and 95%
          liver regeneration, and cirrhosis.  The intermediate step   specificity for lesions greater than one centimeter.  In
          is represented by dysplastic nodules with the coexistence   2013, the American College of Radiology introduced the
          of epigenetic and genetic changes that develop into HCC.   Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System to standardize the
          Multiple pro-inflammatory states appear to be synergistic   reporting and data collection of CT and MRI for HCC.  In
          with HCV including: alcohol, HBV and HIV co-infection,   efforts to improve lower cost technology, contrast-enhanced
          diabetes mellitus, older age, African American race,   ultrasound was introduced with a 90% sensitivity, 99%
          thrombocytopenia, and smoking. [21-24]              specificity and 89% diagnostic accuracy.  The diagnostic
                                                              accuracy of MRI has been improved by dual contrast
          Nonalcoholic fibrotic liver disease and NASH is an entity   agents like Eovist , which is a hepatobiliary excretion
          previously classified with cryptogenic cirrhosis with a high   and vascularization markers used to diagnosis HCC.
          relative risk for HCC. Pro-inflammatory states from fatty   Despite these advances in technology, diagnostics are
          acids release cytokines, pro-oncogenic signals and stimulate   still encumbered by operator variability and inadequate
          epigenetic changes even in the absence of cirrhosis.    diagnostic resolution in tumors under 2 cm. The deficiencies
          Subsequently obese type II diabetics are at twice the risk   in diagnostic screening and sensitivity are seen by the mean
          to develop HCC. [25-27]  Alternatively, African Americans are at   tumor size of HCC with the state of Louisiana being 6.5 cm
          a lower relative risk for HCC compared to Caucasians based   well above Milan Criteria.
          on fat distribution and metabolism. The estimated yearly
          incidence of HCC development in NASH-cirrhosis (2.6%) is   STAGING AND PROGNOSIS
          similar to HCV-cirrhosis (4%). [28]
                                                              Multiple staging systems exist for HCC, but the Barcelona
          Genes involved in hepatocarcinogenesis include p53, PIKCA,   Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging, and prognostic system
          and ß-catenin. In addition, there are two signaling pathways   appear to be the most widely accepted. BCLC incorporates
          for cellular differentiation that are frequently disrupted:   tumor stage, cirrhosis stage, and functional performance
          (1) Wnt-ß-catenin and (2) Hedgehog. WNT signaling appears   status and links stage with a treatment algorithm. [43-45]
          to be associated with a higher incidence of transformation   Despite multiple valid staging systems, the most attractive
          and pre-neoplastic adenomas. [29]                   system would be the staging of HCC on genomic finger
                                                              printing directing therapy and resource allocation such as
          SURVEILLANCE                                        liver transplants.

          The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases   Very early stage HCC (Stage 0) are tumors < 2 cm have the
          advocates bi-annual ultrasound surveillance for high-risk   best prognosis but are hard to identify on imaging. Early stage
          patients.  Cost-effectiveness is meet with two criteria:   HCC (Stage A) is solitary lesions or up to three lesions < 3 cm
          (1) annual incidence > 1.5% per year and (2) threshold   with preserved liver function (Child-Pugh Class A or B) and
          of $50,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Several   reasonable functional status (PS 0-2) with. Their 5-year
          economic analyzes confirm Child-Pugh Class A patients   survivals reach 50-75%. Intermediate stage HCC (Stage B)
          increase life expectancy with cost effectiveness of $26,000 and   is multi-nodular with preserved liver function (Child-Pugh
          $55,000 per QALY. The best data on surveillance comes from a   Class A or B) and good functional status (PS 0), and no
          prospective Chinese trial. [31-35]  Surveillance is recommended for   cancer-related symptoms or evidence of vascular invasion.
          all cirrhotics, HBV carriers if they are Africans older than age   Advanced stage HCC (Stage C) demonstrates vascular invasion
          20 years, Asians older than 40 years or have a family history   or extra-hepatic spread with compromise of functional
          of HCC. However, debate on the utility of AFP continues.   status (PS 1 or 2) due to HCC. Terminal stage HCC (Stage D)

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