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contained small amounts of fat predominantly in the form
                                                              of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

                                                              Calcium (Ca ) plays a vital role in regulating cellular
                                                              transmembrane trafficking of elements and molecules.
                                                              Dark-green leafy vegetables, therefore, are primary sources
                                                              of minerals and trace elements.  In the present study, the
                                                              extract was enriched in calcium and magnesium, and trace
                                                              elements iron, zinc, and selenium. Mineral and trace element
                                                              content of plant leaves is a function of the environment and in
          Figure 5: Template DNA stability (%) in cell line of hepatoma (H4IIE-luc) of   leafy vegetables would be strongly influenced by the chemical
          rats following exposure to FB and/or AFB  for various time periods evaluated in
                            1       1                         composition of the soil and the climate. [40,41]  The current
          RAPD-PCR. FB : fumonisin B ; AFB : afl atoxin B ; RAPD: random amplifi cation
                    1       1   1       1
          of polymorphic DNA; PCR: polymerase chain reaction  results were similar to those reported previously,  which
                                                              suggests that wild morogo should be considered an important
          control and cells treated with 40 μg/mL A. hybridus extract.   source of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, particularly for
          The protective effect of the extract at 40 μg/mL appeared as   households that are not in a position to access conventional
          marked in the stability of DNA in all treatments.   vegetables, whether for economic or demographic reasons.

          DISCUSSION                                          Exposure of H4IIE-luc cells to AFB  resulted in the death of
                                                              cells in a concentration and time-dependent manner. H4IIE-luc
          Polyphenols are a class of phytochemicals that contribute   cells were more sensitive to AFB  and AFB  plus FB  mixture
          to the total antioxidant capacity of dark green leafy   as compared to the control and FB  alone. The results showed
          vegetables.  They have aromatic rings and achieve their   that treatment with the plant extract 24 h prior to mycotoxin
          antioxidant activities mainly through the donation of   exposure succeeded to blocks the AFB  toxicity in H4IIE-luc
          hydrogens.  In the current study, A. hybridus extract was   cells line. This may be associated with the content of vitamins,
          found to be enriched in phenolic compounds in amounts   antioxidants and minerals in the plant extract. This result
          comparable to those of conventional and commercially-grown   suggested that natural vitamins, provitamins, carotenoids,
          non-conventional vegetables.  Total phenolic concentrations   chlorophyll, phenolics, and synthetic compounds with
          reported herein were similar to those reported in commercial   antioxidant properties could potentially be effective against
          spinach. [33]  Total phenolic concentrations in leaves of   the toxic consequence of these mycotoxins. [43]
          commercially-produced Ipomoea batata, which is also eaten
          as morogo in South Africa were similar. [34]        Toxic effects of FB  were more pronounced after 24 h than
                                                              48 h exposure. However, the cytotoxic effect of FB  was
          Carotenoids are pigment molecules responsible for the   eliminated at lesser concentrations, suggesting the rapid
          color of many fruits and vegetables, have important   metabolism of this mycotoxin.  These results were similar
          functions in photosynthesis and are abundant in plant   to those observed during an in vivo study that proved the
          leaves. Carotenoid and beta-carotene concentrations   elevation of sphinganine was reversible after short-term
          reported in the current study were comparable with that   exposure.  Disruption of sphingolipid metabolism as a
          of baby spinach reported previously.  Bioavailability of   specific cytotoxic response to FB  exposure and sphingosine
          carotenoids in dark green leafy vegetables is reduced by   reached its maximum concentration after 48 h. [46,47]  Several
          the leaf matrix.  Notwithstanding this limitation, and   reports indicate that FB  inhibited cell proliferation in
          distinct from being Vitamin A precursors, carotenoids   different cell lines H4TG, MDCK, NIH3T3, and LLC-PKI. [47,48]
          also exhibit considerable antioxidant capacity based on   Among 15 mammalian cell lines, MDCK and H4TG were found
          their symmetrical linear 40-carbon tetraterpene structure,   to be the most sensitive to FB  with EC -values of 2.5 and
          which features alternating double and single carbon-carbon   4 μg/mL, respectively, after 4 days exposure. [49]
          bonds. [23,34]  Folic acid concentration in A. hybridus reported
          in the current study was similar to that reported previously   AFB  is a well-known genotoxicant able to alter the genetic
          in African vegetables.  In the present study, six saturated   constitution of an organism by inducing insults of various
          fatty acids, one monounsaturated fatty acid, and two   types. Changes in profiles were observed between control
          poly-saturated fatty acids were isolated. These results   and all mycotoxin treatments. Differences in profiles of
          were in accordance with those reported by   Weather    bands between the control and treated samples might be
          who suggested that dark green leafy vegetables generally   due to AFB and/or FB -induced point mutations and/or base
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