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Topic: Systemic Treatment for

                                                          Hepatocellular Carcinoma

                                                          The  systemic treatment  of advanced hepatocellular
                                                          carcinoma has  rapidly evolved in the last years. Until
                                                          the  demonstration  of  the  survival  benefit  of  sorafenib
                                                          in 2007, no effective treatments were available. The
                                                          positive  results with sorafenib represented  a  major
                                                          breakthrough and triggered interest in the evaluation of
                                                          new agents. After multiple failures, recent agents have
                                                          proven  benefit,  significantly  extending  the  survival
               Flair José Carrilho, MD,                   of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. This hopeful
               PhD                                        scenario has been crowned by the  recently  published
                                                          results of the IMBRAVE-150 trial. This trial proved
               EASL International Recognition Award       superiority of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab over
               Recipient 2019;                            sorafenib. Currently, several ongoing trials are evaluating
               Head of the Division of Clinical           the activity of dual immunotherapy combinations
               Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hospital   or  combinations of tyrosine  kinase  inhibitors plus
               das Clínicas HCFMUSP, Department of
               Gastroenterology, University of São Paulo   immunotherapy. Some of these results are planned to be
               School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil.     announced in the following years. Within this context,
                                                          it is possible to state that advanced HCC will move
                                                          from a rapidly lethal malignancy to a chronic condition.
                                                          This will require critical insight and deep knowledge
                                                          of the available data. We invite you to contribute to the
                                                          upcoming Special Issue about “Systemic Treatment for
                                                          Hepatocellular Carcinoma” and hope you will be able to
                                                          join us in this journey.
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