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Available data on the presence of mycotoxins       Meta-analyses of epidemiological studies found that
           in  grains  and foods indicate  that  there  may  be   an increased consumption of coffee may reduce the
           a continuous low-level exposure to these  toxic    risk of liver cancer. [63-65]  In a recent analysis of EPIC, a
           metabolites.  Foods mainly contributing to the     large epidemiological study designed to investigate
           intake of mycotoxins with diet are cereals, maize   the  association  between  diet,  lifestyle  and
           being the most risky commodity due to the potential   environmental factors and the incidence of various
           co-occurrence of more than one mycotoxin. It has   types of cancer and other chronic diseases,  coffee
           been  postulated that  individuals  with  increased   consumers in the highest compared to the lowest
           maize-based  products  consumption such as celiac   quintile  had 72% lower risk of developing HCC. [66]
           patients could be particularly at risk of mycotoxin   Consistently, high levels of coffee consumption were
           exposure. However, studies  have shown that the    associated with  reduced risk of incident  HCC  and
           intake of mycotoxins in these potentially vulnerable   chronic liver disease mortality in a population-based
           populations is  generally  below the  tolerable  daily   prospective cohort study of more than 215,000 men
           intake. [51,52]                                    and women  from  Hawaii  and California.   Coffee
                                                              has been shown to exert beneficial effects on body
           Pyrrolizidine alkaloids                            weight, development of diabetes, the prevention of
           Pyrrolizidine  alkaloids such as riddelliine,  which   hepatic fibrosis in NAFLD, and other chronic liver
           is found in  Senecio riddellii (Riddell  groundsel)  and   diseases, including chronic hepatitis C.  There are
           Senecio longilobus (also known as woolly groundsel   approximately 1,000 substances in coffee, including
           and thread-leaf  groundsel),   can be  found as  a   caffeine, diterphenoic alcohols and chlorogenic acid
           contaminant in foods such as meat,  grains,  seeds,   [(CGA), a polyphenol].  It is uncertain which are the
           milk,  herbal  tea  and honey.   In  hepatocytes,   exact substances and  mechanisms responsible for
           Cytochrome  P450s convert dehydropyrrolizidine     the beneficial effects of coffee on the liver. Several
           alkaloides to 6,7-dehydropyrrolizine  esters,  i.e.   substances  as  well as  the  method  of preparation
           the  toxic metabolites.  Dehydroretronecine and    are  thought  to  be  of importance.  As  an  example,
           dehydroheliotridine that are produced  from the    filtered coffee may provide the most benefit due
           initial toxic metabolites via ROS react rapidly with   to a reduction in  cafestol and kahweol, which can
           the SH, OH, NH groups on nucleotides, as well as with   raise serum cholesterol, while maintaining CGA and
           proteins to form adducts, eventually leading to DNA   caffeine content.
           damage and carcinogenesis.  There is a large body
           of evidence from studies in animals supporting the   Fish
           carcinogenicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.  Of note,   By virtue  of its  high  content in  omega-3  fatty
           there are published reports of primary liver tumors   acids,  which  may  have  anti-carcinogenic  and anti-
           in  natives  of Central and South  Africa associated   inflammatory effects,  fish might  be protective
           with the consumption of traditional medicinal plants   against HCC. Evidence supporting a protective role
           containing of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. [55-58]  Honey and   of fish comes from the EPIC  study. In EPIC,  total
           tea  have  been  reported to  be  a  significant  source   fish  intake  was  inversely  associated with  HCC  risk
           of  pyrrolizidine  alkaloids in  Western  countries. [59]   (20% reduction in  risk per 20 g/day of fish,  after
           Although health impairment due to chronic intake   calibration).   Lean/white  fish  (cod, haddock, and
           of pyrrolizidine  alkaloids is  improbable  for adult   plaice), fatty  fish  (salmon, tuna,  trout,  herring,
           consumers with average amounts of consumption of   kippers, and mackerel, and crustaceans and mollusks
           honey and tea, [60,61]  longer-term regular consumption   were independently associated with lower HCC risk,
           of products  with containing high amounts of       even  after  adjusting  for HBV/HCV  status  and liver
           pyrrolizidine alkaloids could  be associated with a   function biomarkers. [70]
           risk of health impairment.
                                                              Olive (Oleaeuropaea)
           BENEFICIAL NATURAL PRODUCTS                        Epidemiological studies have shown that intake of
                                                              virgin olive oil is associated with low incidences of
           Foods and beverages                                several types of cancer,  likely due to its high content
           Coffee                                             in phenolic antioxidants. These include hydroxytyrosol
           A protective effect of coffee against HCC was first   and  oleuropein.  Hydroxytyrosol (HT)  is a natural
           suggested by Gallus  et al.  in 2002.  Since then,   polyphenolic compound with significant antioxidant
           several other studies have confirmed this hypothesis.   properties.   It  has  been  recently  demonstrated
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