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Topic: Research on the Risk

                                                         Factors of Liver Cirrhosis

                                                         Complicated with HCC

                                                         Liver cancer is predicted to be the sixth most commonly
                                                         diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer
                                                         death worldwide now, with about one million new cases
                                                         and deaths each year. In general, hepatocellular carcinoma
                                                         (HCC) develops on the basis of chronic liver diseases,
                                                         mostly associated to liver cirrhosis as an important
                                                         pathogenic risk factor. There are several viral, non-viral,
                                                         metabolic, environmental and genetic factors, including
                                                         actually NAFLD and NASH liver disease, thus causing
                                                         the significant increase of  HCC worldwide. Therefore, it
                                                         is absolutely meaningful to have a journal concentrated
                                                         on special scientific topics relevant to liver cancer in the
                                                         continuous publication model based on the present data

                                                         As far as I know, Hepatoma Research is the first internationally
                                                         peer-reviewed, continuously online published journal
                                                         focusing on liver cancer and related studies. The publication
                      Guido Gerken, MD                   model of the journal in a continuous way is distinguished
                Professor of medicine, University of     from other quarterly publication journals in this field.
                                Duisburg-Essen,          Besides, the journal has gathered numerous internationally
                    Past CEO of the department of        recognized experts joining the journal as EBM, especially
                     Hepatogastroenterology of the       from high-incidence areas for HCC, e.g., Far East Asia,
                 University Hospital of Essen, FRG       and especially from China. Most papers in the journal are
                   Senior Consultant both of Helios      reviews from experts in the field and original scientific
                  clinic of Velbert-Essen, FRG and
                Hyssens-Stiftung academic hospital       articles on HCC mainly including carcinogenic mechanism,
                            of Essen-Mitte, FRG          diagnosis, treatment, prevention and epidemiology of liver
                 Scientific consultant of the medical    cancer undergoing strict peer-review. The special issue of
               faculty of the University of Bielefeld,   this HCC journal focuses on special topics, like Metabolic
                                         FRG             Syndrome, Prediction Models for HBV, Viral, Non-viral and
                                                         Vascular Risk Factors, Nutritional Status, Molecular and
                                                         Genomic Classification and Biomarkers in HCC diagnostics.

                                                         Finally, I feel very privileged and personally honored to act
                                                         as Guest Editor in this special issue of Hepatoma Research,
                                                         and thanks to all who have excellently contributed to the
                                                         HCC topics in this special issue.
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