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9           Direct-acting antivirals and hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence and recurrence in hepatitis C
                            virus-related liver cirrhosis: fact or fiction
                            Alberto Zanetto, Sarah Shalaby, Alberto Ferrarese, Chiara Becchetti, Salvatore Sciarrone, Giacomo
                            Germani, Marco Senzolo, Martina Gambato, Francesco Paolo Russo, Patrizia Burra
                            Hepatoma Res 2018;4:70

               10         Diagnostic imaging for hepatocellular carcinoma
                            Adriano de Santis, Giulia Gallusi
                            Hepatoma Res 2019;5:1

               11         Oncogenicity of viral hepatitis B and C in the initiation of hepatic cancer stem cells
                            Caecilia H. C. Sukowati, Peter A. C. Reyes, Gianluca Tell, Claudio Tiribelli
                            Hepatoma Res 2019;5:2
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