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Author Instructions

            Manuscript   Definition                       Word   Abstract         Keywords Main Text Structure
            Type                                          Limit
            Original   An Original Article describes detailed   5000  Structured abstract   3-8   The main content should
            Article   results from novel research. All findings are   max  including Aim,   keywords  include four sections:
                      extensively discussed.                     Methods, Results and       Introduction, Methods,
                                                                 Conclusion. No more        Results and Discussion.
                                                                 than 250 words.
            Review    A review article should provide readers   7000  Unstructured abstract.  3-8   The main text may
                      with an in-depth understanding of a field by   max  No more than 250   keywords  consist of several
                      summarizing existing literature, and highlight   words.               sections with unfixed
                      key gaps and challenges to address future                             section titles. We
                      research.                                                             suggest that the
                                                                                            author include an
                                                                                            "Introduction" section at
                                                                                            the beginning, several
                                                                                            sections with unfixed
                                                                                            titles in the middle part,
                                                                                            and a "Conclusion"
                                                                                            section in the end.
            Meta-     A Meta-Analysis is a statistical analysis   5000  Structured abstract   3-8   The main content should
            Analysis  combining the results of multiple scientific   max  including Aim,   keywords  include four sections:
                      studies. It is often an overview of clinical   Methods, Results and   Introduction, Methods,
                      trials.                                    Conclusion. No more        Results and Discussion.
                                                                 than 250 words.
            Systematic   A Systematic Review collects and critically   3000  Structured abstract   3-8   The main content should
            Review    analyzes multiple research studies, using   max  including Aim,   keywords  include four sections:
                      methods selected before one or more research   Methods, Results and   Introduction, Methods,
                      questions are formulated, and then finding and   Conclusion. No more   Results and Discussion.
                      analyzing related studies and answering those   than 250 words.
                      questions in a structured methodology.
            Technical   A Technical Note is a short article giving a   3500  Unstructured abstract.  3-8   /
            Note      brief description of a specific development,   max  No more than 250   keywords
                      technique or procedure, or it may describe   words.
                      a modification of an existing technique,
                      procedure or device applied in research.
            Commentary A Commentary is to provide comments on   2500  Unstructured abstract.  3-8   /
                      a newly published article or an alternative   max  No more than 250   keywords
                      viewpoint on a certain topic.              words.
            Editorial  An Editorial is a short article describing news  1000  None required  None   /
                      about the journal or opinions of senior editors  max        required
                      or the publisher.
            Letter to   A Letter to Editor is usually an open post-  1000  Unstructured abstract  3-8   /
            Editor    publication review of a paper from its readers,  max  (optional). No more   keywords
                      often critical of some aspect of a published   than 250 words.  (optional)
                      paper. Controversial papers often attract
                      numerous Letters to Editor
            Opinion   An Opinion usually presents personal   1200  Unstructured abstract  3-8   /
                      thoughts, beliefs, or feelings on a topic.  max  (optional). No more   keywords
                                                                 than 250 words.
            Perspective  A Perspective provides personal points of view 2000  Unstructured abstract.  3-8   /
                      on the state-of-the-art of a specific area of   max  No more than 150   keywords
                      knowledge and its future prospects. Links to   words.
                      areas of intense current research focus can also
                      be made. The emphasis should be on a personal
                      assessment rather than a comprehensive,
                      critical review. However, comments should
                      be put into the context of existing literature.
                      Perspectives are usually invited by the Editors.
           2.3 Manuscript Structure
           2.3.1 Front Matter
           The title of the manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant, with no more than 16 words if possible. When gene or
           protein names are included, the abbreviated name rather than full name should be used.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Cancer Drug Resistance
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